Event Agency

Empowering Women in Tech: How Airmeet helped Girl Geek X Connect 40,000+ Women Through Impactful Events 

Mukesh Kumar
• April 19, 2024
Company Name:
Girl Geek X
Industry Segment:
Event Services
Use Case:
Conference & Career Fair
Platform replaced by Airmeet:

About Company:

Girl Geek X serves as a platform that fosters connections and empowers women in the field of technology, to share their expertise in STEM and offer career guidance in the dynamic tech industry. Headquartered in California, Girl Geek has organized over 250 events across 150+ companies. For over a decade, their programs have been serving a vibrant community of over 40,000 women in tech.

ROI / Benefits for the customer (numbers):


  • On average, 1000+ registered attendees for their events
  • Overall, 5-star event rating
  • High session engagement, with over 30% attendees interacting through chat feed and 6,000+ emoji reactions

Challenges with their previous events platform

The team at Girl Geek X previously used Zoom for their events. However, they decided to transition to a new virtual event platform, seeking enhanced and improved capabilities such as double tracking, expanded networking opportunities, and virtual booths specifically tailored to virtual events.

Expectations and Requirements from Airmeet

Expectations and Requirements from Airmeet

Girl Geek X’s team actively explored various platforms to meet the specific needs of their upcoming events. Having already used Airmeet for their internal meetings, they were keen to further explore its capabilities and compatibility to power their virtual events.

Following a thorough evaluation, they decided on Airmeet, having found value in the platform’s compelling features and user-friendly experience. 

Their expectations from Airmeet included:

  • Seamless integration with their CRM
  • Customization options
  • Virtual booths for recruiters and sponsors, for an enhanced engagement experience with participants
  • Access to event related and booth engagement data
  • Advanced networking features to improve attendee experience

Solutions Offered by Airmeet:

Solutions Offered by Airmeet

Airmeet swiftly addressed Girl Geek X’s event objectives by providing tailored solutions aligned to their virtual event needs and sponsor engagement goals, with

  • Streamlined Workflow:  Airmeet’s seamless integration with the customer’s CRM systems ensures smooth event data flow and enhances overall workflow efficiency.

  • Recruiter & Sponsor Solutions: Airmeet offered Girl Geek X’s team specified solutions and virtual booths, that can be tailored to suit their sponsor and recruiter needs, enabling effective interaction opportunities with event attendees at conferences and career fairs. 

  • Comprehensive Analytics: Airmeet’s detailed and real-time analytics enabled the team at Girl Geek X to access and track overall event data, including booth visits, attendee interests, skill sets, event performance, and more.

  • Networking Opportunities: Advanced features, like networking lounges, virtual booths, fluid space, speed networking, polls, Q&A, chat messages, and emoji reactions, enhanced their overall event engagement and enabled the attendees to make the most of the conferences and career fairs.

  • Custom Elements: Airmeet empowered the team at Girl Geek X to create a personalized event experience for their attendees, recruiters, speakers, and sponsors. This enabled them to customize emails, registration forms, speaker profiles, landing pages, virtual booths, networking spaces, event reception, and more. 

Positive ROI Impact:

Most-loved Features of Airmeet

Most-loved Features of Airmeet

Branding & Customization:

Girl Geek X’s team utilized Airmeet’s branding and customization feature to personalize their event appearance, aligning conferences and career fairs with their specific goals and objectives for a unique attendee experience.

Fluid Space:

The Fluid Lounge feature in Airmeet was a favorite among Girl Geek X’s team, providing a fun and effortless environment. Having used Airmeet for their own meetings, they found the feature enjoyable and conducive to productive discussions. 

Speed Networking:

Airmeet’s Speed Networking feature facilitated swift connections among Girl Geek X’s conference attendees, offering opportunities for quick one-on-one sessions and fostering meaningful connections. 

Recordings & Replays:

Girl Geek X leveraged Airmeet’s Recordings & Replays feature to capture event sessions and provide attendees with access to replays. This not only allowed attendees to revisit sessions at their convenience but also served as a post-event engagement tool for ongoing interaction between Girl Geek X’s team and attendees.

Sponsorship Experience:

Girl Geek X’s team voiced their satisfaction with Airmeet’s comprehensive sponsorship offerings, including customizable booths, live broadcasts, and innovative formats. Dedicated solutions for sponsor-attendee engagement, such as the capability to schedule private meetings and engage in conversations, further boosted the level of interaction and engagement.

Dedicated Support:

Girl Geek X appreciated Airmeet for the event onboarding support, quick responses, and the availability of dedicated account managers. This personalized assistance ensured smooth event execution and ongoing support throughout their event journey.


Airmeet’s comprehensive virtual event solution, coupled with dedicated support and tailored enterprise offerings, ensured a seamless and engaging event experience for Girl Geek X’s team, event attendees, recruiters, and sponsors alike.

Through strategic utilization of Airmeet’s unique features, Girl Geek X effectively curated an impactful event, empowering their initiatives and fostering meaningful connections within their community.

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