The eight ways to fuel content strategy

Airmeet virtual events vocabulary (a to z)

Akanksha Kumari
• April 24, 2024

(10 min read)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Table of Content



Attendee: Individuals participating in the virtual event, including guests, speakers, organizers, and other participants.

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Agenda: Outline of the schedule and program of the virtual event, including session topics, speakers, and timing.


Access: Process of entering and participating in the virtual event platform, including login credentials or join links.

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Analytics: Insights into attendee behavior, engagement, and participation during the virtual event, used to measure event success and to optimize future events. 

Airmeet ‘Realtime Analytics’ Dashboard & Segmentations

What kind of Analytics report is generated by Airmeet?


Avatar: Digital representation of an attendee within the event platform, used for personalization and social interaction.

How to edit or update your profile on an Airmeet event?


AirProfile: Air Profile is a groundbreaking feature that allows you to gain comprehensive information about each attendee’s activities across events.

What is AirProfile? How to access AirProfile for an attendee?



Breakout Room: A separate virtual space within the event platform for smaller group discussions or activities, facilitating focused interaction among participants.

Airmeet Breakout Rooms


Badge: A digital emblem or identifier displayed on an attendee’s profile within the event platform, often indicating their role, affiliation, or level of participation.


Buffering: Temporary delay or interruption in the streaming of event content due to network congestion or technical issues, affecting the seamlessness of audio/video playback.

How to change your Stream Resolution During a Live Session on Airmeet?


Branding: The process of creating and maintaining a distinct identity or image for the virtual event, including visual elements such as logos, colors, and graphics, to convey a consistent brand message.

Branding Guide – Webinar Format : Airmeet

Branding Guide – Virtual Event Format : Airmeet

Branding Guide – Hybrid Event Format : Airmeet


Broadcasting: The act of transmitting the virtual event content, such as presentations, discussions, or performances, to remote participants, in real-time over the internet.



Chat: A feature enabling real-time text-based communication between attendees, hosts, and presenters during the virtual event, facilitating interaction and engagement.

Chat in Airmeet


Collaboration: The process of working together with other attendees or participants during the virtual event to achieve shared goals, foster teamwork, and enhance productivity.


Customization: Tailoring the virtual event experience to meet the specific needs, preferences, and branding requirements of organizers and attendees, ensuring a personalized and immersive experience.

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Countdown: A visual timer displayed within the event platform, indicating the time remaining until the start of a session, keynote, or other event segments, helping attendees manage their time effectively and build anticipation.


Certificate: A digital document or credential awarded to attendees upon completion of the virtual event, acknowledging their participation, learning achievements, or professional development efforts.

Integrate with accredible via zapier


Digital Swag: Virtual or downloadable items provided to attendees as gifts or incentives for participating in the virtual event, enhancing engagement and providing value-added benefits.
Integrate sendoso with airmeet


Discussion: Interactive sessions within the virtual event platform where attendees can engage in conversations, share insights, ask questions, and exchange ideas with hosts, presenters, and other participants.

How to ask ‘Question’ during a live session and ‘Comment’ on question thread?


Data Security: Measures and protocols implemented to protect attendee information, event data, and sensitive materials from unauthorized access, breaches, or cyber threats before, during and after the virtual event.

Is Airmeet Secure? What can you tell me about security and encryption at Airmeet?


Downloadable Content / resources: Resources, documents, presentations, or other materials made available for attendees to download and access for further reference or offline use, enhancing the educational value and long-term impact of the event.

Resource Hub : Airmeet


Dashboard: An interactive interface within the event platform providing real-time analytics, metrics, and insights into attendee engagement, participation rates, session popularity, and other key performance indicators, enabling organizers to monitor and optimize the event experience.

Event Dashboard Overview – Virtual Event & Webinar Formats : Airmeet



Engagement: Engagement in virtual events includes interactive elements like live Q&A, polls, and networking to keep attendees active and connected, directly impacting the event’s success by ensuring participant involvement and satisfaction.

Manage Attendee Engagement During Live Session : Airmeet


Email Notifications / Reminders: Email notifications are essential for informing and engaging attendees with updates, reminders, and follow-ups, ensuring they stay informed about event details and enhancing their overall experience.

How to create & send email to event participants?


Event Platform: An event platform hosts virtual events, integrating features for content delivery, attendee interaction, exhibitor booths, and engagement tools, crucial for the event’s reach, engagement, and success.

What is Airmeet?


Exhibitor: Exhibitors at virtual events showcase products or services at virtual booths, using features like live chats and video demos for brand exposure, lead generation, and customer interaction.

Booth Exhibitor FAQs : Airmeet


Emoji Reactions: Emoji reactions allow attendees to express feelings and feedback during sessions in real-time, enhancing interactivity and allowing speakers to gauge audience sentiment instantly.

How to use emoji reactions during the event?



Feedback: Feedback in virtual events is gathered through surveys or interactive tools, allowing organizers to assess attendee satisfaction, gather insights on content quality, and identify areas of  improvement, ensuring that future events are more aligned with attendee expectations.

How to collect feedback using Typeform


Forum: Forums within virtual events serve as dedicated spaces for attendees to discuss topics, share insights, and connect over shared interests, fostering community engagement and providing valuable networking opportunities beyond the main sessions.

How to connect with other participants in social lounge ? : Airmeet


Follow-up: Follow-up actions post-event, such as sending thank-you emails, sharing event recordings, and providing additional resources, are crucial for maintaining engagement, reinforcing connections made during the event, and nurturing leads.

How to create & send email to event participants?


Free Trial: Offering a free trial of products or services during virtual events can entice attendees by providing a risk-free way to experience offerings firsthand, potentially leading to increased conversions and customer acquisition.


Fundraising: Virtual events can also be powerful platforms for fundraising, leveraging features like live donation tracking, interactive donation calls, and integration with payment gateways to encourage and facilitate contributions towards a cause or organization.

Fundraise using Donorbox



Gamification: Gamification introduces competitive elements and rewards into virtual events, such as points, leaderboards, and prizes for participation or achieving certain tasks, enhancing engagement and motivation among attendees.

How to Setup “Leaderboard” on Airmeet to Maximize Your Attendee Engagement?


Guest Speaker: A guest speaker at virtual events is typically an expert or renowned individual invited to deliver a keynote, presentation, or participate in a panel, adding value and attracting a larger audience through their expertise and reputation.

How to map speaker to a session? : Airmeet


Group Chat: Group chat features enable attendees to engage in real-time discussions, share insights, and network within the virtual event platform, facilitating community building and collaborative learning among participants.

How to connect with other participants in social lounge ? : Airmeet

Airmeet Breakout Rooms


Global Reach: Virtual events have the unique advantage of global reach, allowing organizers to connect with a worldwide audience without geographical constraints, significantly expanding the event’s potential impact and diversity.


Green Screen: Green screen technology in virtual events allows speakers and presenters to superimpose themselves onto virtual backgrounds or immersive environments, enhancing the visual appeal and professionalism of presentations.

How to use virtual background on Airmeet social lounge tables & on live session?


Hybrid Event: A hybrid event combines in-person and virtual elements, enabling both on-site attendance and online participation. This format broadens accessibility and engagement by catering to a global audience while maintaining the personal touch of physical events.

Airmeet Hybrid Conference event


Hosting: Hosting in the context of virtual events refers to the end-to-end organization and management of the event on a digital platform, including tasks like coordinating speakers, managing technical aspects, and ensuring a smooth experience for all participants.
How to host an event at Airmeet?
Event Checklist


Handouts: Handouts at virtual events are digital documents or resources provided to attendees, such as presentation slides, brochures, or product information, accessible through the event platform for downloading or interactive viewing.
How to set up a “Resource Hub” for an Airmeet Event?


Hashtags: Hashtags are used in conjunction with virtual events to unify social media conversations, increase visibility, and foster community engagement among attendees by tracking and participating in discussions related to the event.
Tags in Airmeet


Highlights: Highlights of a virtual event include key moments, quotes, or announcements that are shared during or after the event, often through social media or event platforms, to summarize the experience and maintain engagement with the audience.



Interactive Polls: Interactive polls engage virtual event attendees by soliciting their opinions or choices on various topics in real-time, fostering participation and providing valuable feedback to organizers and speakers
How to create and publish “Polls” for an Airmeet Event?.


Invitation: Invitations for virtual events are typically sent electronically, containing key details like date, time, and access link, and are crucial for generating interest, conveying the event’s value proposition, and boosting attendance.
Where can I find the event link that can be shared with my participants?


In-person Events: In-person events allow for direct face-to-face interaction and networking. Attendees can engage all their senses, gaining a more immersive experience.

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Integration: Integration refers to the seamless connection between the virtual event platform and other software tools or systems (CRM, email marketing, social media) to streamline processes, enhance functionality, and improve overall event management.

Integrations, API’s & Webhooks 


Incentives: Incentives, such as digital badges, certificates, discounts on future events or services, and access to exclusive content, are offered to encourage participation, engagement, and positive actions from virtual event attendees.
Integrate Airmeet with Sendoso


Interface: The interface of a virtual event platform is the user-facing component, whose design and usability significantly affect the attendee experience, including ease of navigation, accessibility, and the overall aesthetic appeal of the event.

Language Localization – Choose your own Language
How to change the Event theme and CTA’s accent color?

How to use “Closed Captions” during an Airmeet live session?



Join Link: A join link is a direct URL provided to attendees of a virtual event, granting them immediate access to the platform or specific sessions with a simple click, streamlining the entry process and enhancing user convenience.
How to upload a list of attendees for an Airmeet event and send invites via email?


Jamboard: Jamboard, a digital interactive whiteboard developed by Google, can be utilized in virtual events for collaborative sessions, brainstorming, and interactive workshops, allowing participants to contribute ideas and feedback in real-time.


Judging: In the context of virtual events featuring competitions or contests, judging involves evaluating participants’ submissions or presentations through the event platform. Criteria, scores, and feedback are often managed digitally, ensuring a transparent and efficient process.
Integrate Airmeet with Kahoot!

Jukebox (Music Feature): A virtual event’s jukebox feature allows organizers or attendees to create and play music playlists during networking breaks or social sessions, enhancing the event atmosphere and fostering a more engaging and enjoyable experience.


Jumbotron: Adapting the concept of a jumbotron for virtual events involves prominently displaying key information, announcements, or live feeds in a central, attention-grabbing section of the event platform, ensuring important messages reach all attendees effectively.

How to send “text-based notifications or alerts” to participants in an Airmeet event?

How to broadcast an ‘Audio/Video’ announcement to participants during a live event?


Keynote Speaker: A keynote speaker is a distinguished guest invited to deliver a central address that highlights the theme or core message of a virtual event, aiming to inspire, inform, and engage the audience.

Add Speakers and send them invites from the event dashboard.


Knowledge Sharing: Knowledge sharing in virtual events occurs through presentations, workshops, and discussions, allowing attendees to exchange expertise, insights, and best practices in a collaborative online environment.
How to connect with other participants in social lounge ? : Airmeet
How to setup ‘Session as a video call’ session and start the session during the event?
Airmeet Breakout Rooms


Kickoff: The kickoff marks the beginning of a virtual event, setting the tone with an opening session that outlines the agenda, introduces key speakers, and energizes attendees for the sessions that follow.

How to start a session by session host?


Knowledge Base / Hubs: A knowledge base is a centralized digital repository accessible during or after a virtual event, containing resources, FAQs, and documentation to support attendee inquiries and enhance their learning experience.
How to set up a “Resource Hub” for an Airmeet Event?


Key Metrics: Key metrics for virtual events include attendance rates, engagement levels, session feedback, and conversion metrics, providing organizers with valuable insights into the event’s performance and areas of improvement.
Airmeet ‘Realtime Analytics’ Dashboard & Segmentations
What kind of Analytics report is generated by Airmeet?



Live Stream: Live streaming is the real-time broadcasting of event content over the internet, allowing attendees to view keynote speeches, panel discussions, and performances, as they happen.
How to pre-schedule an Airmeet event on Youtube using RTMP Stream key & URL?
How to stream out Airmeet Session with LinkedIn Live?

How to stream Airmeet events on Facebook using RTMP stream key & url ?
How to “stream out” an Airmeet session using custom RTMP?
How to stream out an Airmeet session with Twitter Live?

How to stream Airmeet events on YouTube?
How to stream Airmeet events on Facebook ?

Leaderboard: A leaderboard is a gamification feature used in virtual events to display attendee rankings based on their participation in quizzes, polls, and other interactive elements, fostering a competitive and engaging environment.
How to Setup “Leaderboard” on Airmeet to Maximize Your Attendee Engagement?


Live Q&A: Live Q&A sessions enable attendees to ask speakers and panelists questions in real-time during a virtual event, facilitating direct interaction and deeper exploration of topics.
How to ask ‘Question’ during a live session and ‘Comment’ on question thread?


Layout Options: Layout options refer to the customizable design configurations of a virtual event platform, allowing organizers to tailor the visual arrangement of content, booths, and interaction features, to enhance attendee experience.
How to setup & configure booths in Airmeet ?
How to change “Stage Layout” on Airmeet session?
How to set up the Reception (Venue) in Airmeet in Virtual Event Format?


Localization: Localization involves adapting the content and features of a virtual event to suit different languages and cultural contexts, ensuring accessibility and relevance for a global audience.
Language Localization – Choose your own Language
Set up Multi-Language Interpretation on Airmeet via Interprefy



Moderation: Moderation in virtual events is the practice of overseeing discussions, Q&A sessions, and social feeds to maintain a respectful and productive environment, addressing inappropriate or disruptive behavior or content.

How to “Moderate Chat” or apply “Profanity Filter” for your Airmeet event?

How does “Table moderation” works on Airmeet social lounge?
How to “moderate questions” for a session?

Monetization: Monetization strategies for virtual events include ticket sales, sponsorships, virtual exhibitor booths, and premium content access, generating revenue from the event.
How to add a ticket?
How do I add value to different ticket tiers? How can we restrict ticket based entry?
How to add sponsors to Airmeet event in Virtual Event Format?
How to setup & configure booths in Airmeet ?

Mentoring: Mentoring at virtual events connects experienced professionals with attendees seeking guidance, offering personalized advice and support through one-on-one meetings or group discussions.
How to schedule meetings with participants on an Airmeet event?
How to connect with other participants in social lounge ? : Airmeet
How to setup ‘Session as a video call’ session and start the session during the event?
Airmeet Breakout Rooms

Multilingual Support: Multilingual support in virtual events includes offering content, navigation, and customer service in multiple languages, catering to the diverse linguistic needs of a global audience.
Language Localization – Choose your own Language


Mobile App: A mobile app for virtual events provides attendees with access to event content, networking, and interactive features on their smartphones or tablets, enabling participation from anywhere.

Attendee Guide to Airmeet – Android Application

Attendee Guide to Airmeet – iPhone Application
Airmeet iPad and Mobile application for Attendees and Speakers

Airmeet Custom mobile Application



Networking: Interactive feature that enables attendees to connect and share ideas virtually, enhancing professional relationships and collaboration opportunities.
How to add Speed Networking sessions in Airmeet?
What is Speed Networking? How does it work?
How to Set up and configure tables at the Airmeet Social Lounge?
What is Social Lounge & Table Controls?

How to schedule meetings with participants on an Airmeet event?

Fluid Lounge Interaction & Engagement | Quick Guide

Notifications and alerts: Alerts and reminders sent to attendees about session timings and updates, ensuring they stay informed and engaged throughout the virtual event.
How to send “text based notification or alerts” to participants in an Airmeet event?
How to invite/pull speaker, host or co-host to backstage by sending notification?
How to broadcast an ‘Audio/Video’ announcement to participants during a live event?


Niche Audience: Targeted events designed for specialized groups with specific interests, increasing relevance and engagement for participants.
What is Speed Networking? How does it work?
How to setup matching rules for speed networking sessions?


New Features: Updates and innovations introduced to improve virtual event experiences, such as enhanced networking tools and interactive engagement options.

New Feature Releases

Nurturing Leads: Process of engaging interested participants through valuable content and interactions, gradually guiding them towards making a commitment or purchase.

How to track and engage with leads & visitors in real-time within the booth?


On-Demand Content: Recorded sessions available post-event, allowing attendees flexible access to content anytime, increasing the event’s reach and longevity.

How to access session recording for an Airmeet event?

How to setup “Session replay” on-demand – Post session recording accessible to participants?
How to setup “Event Replay” for your participants post your event?


Online Registration: The digital process through which attendees sign up for events, essential for gathering participant information and managing attendance.
How to Register for an Event at Airmeet?
How to Enter an Airmeet Event based on different event entries?


Outreach: Strategies employed to promote the event and attract attendees, utilizing email campaigns, social media, and partnerships.
Where can I find the event link that can be shared with my participants?
How to create & send email to event participants?
Integrate Airmeet with Mailchimp

Integrate Airmeet with Marketo

Integrate Airmeet with Facebook Pixel


Overlay: Graphical elements added to video presentations for branding and informational purposes, enhancing the professional appearance of virtual sessions.
How to add Stage Backdrop for your Airmeet sessions?
How to use virtual background on Airmeet social lounge tables & on live session?
How to create Stage Banner or Lower third for your Airmeet event

How to create and send a “Dynamic Calls-to-action (CTA)” to all session participants?


Onstage (Main Stage): The primary virtual space for keynotes and major presentations, designed to host large audiences and facilitate high-level engagement.

Stage controls for session Host & Co-host



Platform: A digital environment hosting virtual events, integrating features like live streaming, networking, and interactive sessions.
What is Airmeet?
What is the community? How to Create Community in Airmeet?


Presenter: Individuals leading sessions, sharing expertise and insights with attendees through the virtual event interface.
Step by Step Guide for Speaker – Webinar Event Format
Step by Step Guide for Speaker – Virtual Event Format

Speaker Guide to Airmeet – iPad Application


Polling: Interactive tool enabling presenters to gather real-time feedback or opinions from attendees, enhancing engagement.
How to create and publish “Polls” for an Airmeet Event?


Participant List: A roster of attendees, visible to facilitate networking and interaction among participants during the virtual event.

Where all can I view or download the registration details of participants?


Prize Giveaway: Incentives offered to attendees, often used to encourage participation and engagement throughout the virtual event.

How to Setup “Leaderboard” on Airmeet to Maximize Your Attendee Engagement?


Q&A Session: Designated time allowing attendees to ask presenters questions, fostering interaction and deeper understanding of topics.

Step-by-Step Guide For Attendees – Webinar Format


Quiz: Engaging activity testing attendees’ knowledge on session content, often used to enhance learning and interaction.
Integrate Airmeet with Kahoot!


Quick Poll: A brief, real-time survey collecting attendee opinions or preferences, providing instant insights during sessions.
How to show “Session level polls” on the live stage & let attendees vote?

How to create and publish “Polls” for an Airmeet Event?


Quality Assurance: Processes ensuring virtual events run smoothly, with high-quality audio, video, and seamless attendee experiences.
Event Checklist


Quarterly Report: Presentation or document summarizing event performance, including attendee engagement and feedback, over a quarter.
What kind of Analytics report is generated by Airmeet?

How to create analytics reports & download them?



Registration: The process for attendees to sign up for virtual events, crucial for access and participation management.

How to Register for an Event at Airmeet?
How to Enter an Airmeet Event based on different event entries?

Remote Access: Enables attendees to join events from anywhere, breaking geographical barriers and expanding the event’s reach.
Which countries or browsers are blocked by Airmeet or non-accessible by country?


Recording: Capturing live sessions for on-demand access, allowing attendees to revisit event content or view missed segments.
How to access session recording for an Airmeet event?

How to setup “Session replay” on-demand – Post session recording accessible to participants?
How to setup “Event Replay” for your participants post your event?


Real-time Analytics: Instant data on attendee behavior and engagement, guiding organizers towards optimizing the event experience.
What kind of Analytics report is generated by Airmeet?

How to create analytics reports & download them?


Revenue Generation: Strategies within virtual events to drive income, including ticket sales, sponsorships, and upselling opportunities.

Managing Tickets | Quick Guide



Sponsorship: Partnerships with brands to fund events in exchange for exposure, adding value and reducing costs for organizers.

How to add sponsors to Airmeet event in Virtual Event Format?
How to add Event series logo and Manage sponsors for your event series?


Survey: Tools to collect detailed feedback from attendees, essential for measuring satisfaction and planning future events.
How to Embedded Session Survey via Typeform Integration?


Social Media Integration: Features that link events with social platforms, facilitating promotion and engagement before, during, and after events.

Integrate Airmeet with Facebook Pixel

‘Stream-out’ Airmeet sessions to YouTube, Facebook & using RTMP


Scheduling: The organization of sessions and activities within an event, critical for a smooth and coherent attendee experience.

Session Setup guide – How to create session from dashboard on Airmeet

How to schedule meetings with participants on an Airmeet event?


Security Measures: Protocols to protect the virtual event platform and participant data from unauthorized access and cyber threats.
Is Airmeet Secure? What can you tell me about security and encryption at Airmeet?



Ticketing: Digital process for selling and managing access to events, key for revenue and attendee management.
Managing Tickets | Quick Guide
How to add a ticket?
How do I add value to different ticket tiers? How can we restrict ticket based entry?


Testimonials: Positive feedback from attendees, used to build trust and encourage participation in future events.
How to Embedded Session Survey via Typeform Integration?


Translation: Feature providing real-time language translation, making events accessible to a global, multilingual audience.

Language Localization – Choose your own Language

Set up Multi-Language Interpretation on Airmeet via Interprefy


Technical Support: Assistance provided to resolve technical issues, ensuring a smooth experience for organizers and attendees.

Airmeet 24×7 Support Lounge



User Experience (UX): The overall experience and satisfaction attendees have with the virtual event platform, crucial for engagement and retention.
How to Customize live event experience (Enable/Disable Session & Event settings)


Updates: Notifications or changes communicated to attendees about event details, ensuring everyone is informed and prepared.
How to send “text based notification or alerts” to participants in an Airmeet event?
How to broadcast an ‘Audio/Video’ announcement to participants during a live event?
How to create & send email to event participants?


User-friendly Interface: An intuitive and easy-to-navigate event platform design, enhancing participation and interaction among attendees.
Step By Step Guide for Attendees – Virtual Event Format
Step-by-Step Guide For Attendees – Webinar Format
Attendee Guide to Airmeet – Android Application
Attendee Guide to Airmeet – iPhone Application


URL Sharing: The ability to share direct links to specific parts of the event, facilitating access and promoting specific sessions.

Enter and preview the event & share event link – Tutorial Video


User Profile: Personalized accounts for attendees, allowing customization of their event experience and networking opportunities.
How to edit or update your profile on an Airmeet event?



Virtual Booth: Digital stands where sponsors or exhibitors can display products or services and interact with attendees, simulating a physical exhibition space.

Virtual Booths in Airmeet
How to setup & configure booths in Airmeet ?


Video Conferencing: Technology enabling live video and audio communication between presenters and attendees, fundamental for virtual events.
How to setup ‘Session as a video call’ session and start the session during the event?
What is Social Lounge & Table Controls?


VIP Access: Exclusive entry to certain parts of the event, like special sessions or networking opportunities, often used as an incentive or reward.
How to restrict or allow participants access for your event sessions?
How do I add value to different ticket tiers? How can we restrict ticket based entry?


Virtual Background: Customizable backdrops for video feeds, enhancing presentation aesthetics and offering branding opportunities.
How to use virtual background on Airmeet social lounge tables & on live session?


Voting: Interactive feature allowing attendees to participate in decisions or express opinions during sessions, increasing engagement.

How to create and publish “Polls” for an Airmeet Event?



Webinar: Online seminars where expert speakers share knowledge on specific topics, allowing for audience interaction and learning.
What is Airmeet?

Event Setup from the dashboard | Webinar Event Format


Workshop: Interactive online sessions focused on hands-on training or collaborative work, enhancing skill development.
How to schedule meetings with participants on an Airmeet event?
How to setup ‘Session as a video call’ session and start the session during the event?
Session Setup guide – How to create session from dashboard on Airmeet


Watch Party: A feature enabling groups of attendees to view live or pre-recorded content together, fostering community engagement.
How to schedule meetings with participants on an Airmeet event?
How to setup ‘Session as a video call’ session and start the session during the event?
Social Lounge Interactions & Table Controls


Whiteboard: A digital tool for drawing, annotating, and brainstorming during live sessions, enhancing collaboration.


Waiting Room: A virtual area where attendees wait before being granted access to the event, ensuring orderly entry and security.
How to Setup Waiting Screens for your Airmeet session?



– XR (Extended Reality): The use of technology to create immersive environments for virtual events, including VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality).
How to set up “Custom Booth” layout in an Airmeet event?
How to set up “Customized Reception” in an Airmeet event?
How to set up an “Welcome Video” for your Airmeet event?



YouTube Live: A platform for streaming live video content, often used for broadcasting virtual events to a wide audience.
How to stream Airmeet events on YouTube?


Yearly Review: An annual event or session summarizing achievements, milestones, and plans, fostering community and transparency.

Attendee Engagement Scores | AirProfile

Yield Management: Strategies to maximize event revenue through pricing and inventory control, based on demand forecasting.
Attendee Engagement Scores | AirProfile
What is AirProfile? How to access AirProfile for an attendee?
Airmeet ‘Realtime Analytics’ Dashboard & Segmentations
How to view and generate “Account level analytics & segments”?

How to create segments on Airmeet

Airmeet ‘Realtime Analytics’ Dashboard & Segmentations


Yacht Party (Virtual Social Event): A themed virtual networking event designed to simulate a social gathering on a yacht, enhancing attendee enjoyment and interaction.
How to setup ‘Fluid Space’ session and start fluid space session during the event?
What is Speed Networking? How does it work?

Yottabyte (Big Data Storage): A measure of data capacity relevant to handling the vast amounts of information generated by virtual event platforms and attendee interactions.



Z – Zoom: A popular video conferencing tool widely used for hosting and participating in virtual events and meetings.
How to stream ZOOM meeting into Airmeet session via RTMP


Zen Mode: A feature that minimizes distractions during virtual events, focusing the attendee’s attention on the content being presented.


Zoom-out (Overview Feature): A functionality allowing attendees to get a broad perspective or summary of the event’s content and sessions.
Edit the Event details – Virtual Event Format

Edit the Event details – Webinar Format


Zone (Virtual Space): Dedicated virtual areas within an event platform for specific activities or themes, organizing content and interactions.
How to setup ‘Fluid Space’ session and start fluid space session during the event?

What is Social Lounge?

How to Set up and configure tables at the Airmeet Social Lounge?


Zero Latency: The goal of achieving real-time interaction and communication during virtual events, without delays, for a seamless experience.

How to track and engage with leads & visitors in real-time within the booth?

Event Level Right Hand Side (RHS) Controls for Host/Co-Host

Manage Attendee Engagement During Live Session

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