Brand Airmeet

The Airmeet brand is an endorsement and an assurance of greatness. You also represent
growing Airmeet when you are accredited or certified in your line of work or specialty.

The Airmeet logo

Airmeet logo is precisely proportioned, and must be used as-is without alterations.
The primary logo is comprised of two parts: a logomark and a logotype. Here is
logo usage guideline – you may take a look at.

Airmeet in writing


The ‘m’ in Airmeet is always
lowercase and the ‘A’ is
always capitalized.


Air meet



Use Airmeet as a plain text when you write, instead of embedding it as a logo.

Airmeet colors

The Airmeet brand is an endorsement and an
assurance of greatness. You also represent
Airmeet when

Airmeet Purple


Airmeet Blue






Our cofounders

It is important that the appearance of the logo remains consistent. The logo
should not be misinterpreted, modified, or added to.

Lalit Mangal

Manoj Singh

Vinay Jasti

Lalit Mangal, Manoj Singh, Vinay Jasti

Product screenshots

From receptions to stage backdrops, booths – here is a glimpse of handy
screenshots of Airmeet. Click on an image to download it.


  1. The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on the Platform (“Marks”) are the property of Airmeet or other respective third parties, as the case may be. Except as specified in the clause below, You are not permitted to use the Marks without the prior written consent of Airmeet, or the third party that may own the Marks.

  2. Airmeet provides a limited, non – exclusive, revocable (upon notice from Airmeet), non-transferable license to Hosts to use Marks as a part of the Event Page. Hosts agree to use Marks solely for the purposes provided herein and no other purpose whatsoever. All intellectual property rights arising from and in respect of any promotional, marketing material or other material created or developed by the Host for a particular Event using the Marks, including any Event Page, shall belong solely to the respective Host.

  3. Except as expressly provided herein, You acknowledge and agree that You shall not copy, republish, post, display, translate, transmit, reproduce or distribute any Content through any medium without obtaining necessary authorization from Airmeet.

  4. Airmeet shall have the right, and you hereby give Airmeet the permission, to use your name and logo for external marketing and promotion, such as on Airmeet’s website and other Airmeet marketing collateral.

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