Webinars are everywhere and for a good reason! They have proven to be one of the most effective lead generation, audience reach, and online engagement. These types of events work equally well for everyone – even business owners.
No matter your size or target audience, web-based presentations can help you grow any industry or business.
Running webinars can be a difficult task for entrepreneurs. Good thing, there are many platforms out in the market that will allow you to easily and seamlessly run your own. These products make it easier than ever before with their user-friendly interface. Hence, all you need is the team’s creativity to create an interactive experience.
After discovering how impressive online webinars are and their benefits, you will often look forward to hosting them.
So, what is a live webinar panel discussion?
Panel discussions are great for getting different perspectives on a subject. The variety of viewpoints can shape the conversation and expand understanding in ways that wouldn’t be possible with just one speaker’s input.
In a live webinar, diverse and conflicting opinions are explored through the use of video technology. Real-time webinar sessions use video technology to gather a group of people with several viewpoints on a topic or problem to discuss their points of view. Typically, there are 3-4 presenters and one moderator every session, lasting around 60 minutes.
An online seminar or webinar allows people to share their knowledge and ideas with one another creatively. The speakers can introduce themselves, show slides of information on the topic, and ask questions from participants online. Also, they can just use time slots to showcase different views about what they are talking about. It is not confusing that webinar presentations come from multiple speakers because it is much more interactive than panels where only one person talks at once.
Panel discussion encourages a roundtable conversation among the panelists, focusing on building a dialogue or a chat webinar rather than presenting unconnected insights. This online seminar worth 1 ½ – 2 hours in duration is somewhat close to a classroom session, or an educational video utilized by school certifying officials.
Benefits of live webinar panel of speakers
Take a deep dive into how a live panel of speakers can optimize your webinar results with its respective key benefits:
1. Increase audience reach

Hosting webinars is an excellent way to connect with a broad audience you would not have reached through physical events. A real-time online webinar allows you to gather more interest. There are no geographical limitations, low cost, and convenience.
Now, anyone anywhere in the world, regardless of internet connection or location, can join your event and contribute to making it successful.
These advantages and webinar benefits are doubled when you provide more value to your webinar attendees by inviting a panel of speakers rather than a single speaker. A forum allows you to bring in diverse perspectives on a single topic, thus attracting a diverse audience supporting different points of view.
Moreover, the live panel discussion has a higher perceived value and thus enjoys more registrations.
Another way it boosts reach is that each expert speaker promotes the online event in their network, attracting their audience to the modern webinar.
2. Immersive and interactive
Unlike webinars that might turn the webinar participants into mere passive spectators, panel discussions have a more dynamic webinar format that focuses more on online engagement. Panel discussions are more democratic as they allow a fair period of time for each speaker and audience. And we all know, the higher the level of accountability for engagement, the higher the loyalty and conversions in business relationships.
The Q&A segments allow more audience involvement as they seek a better understanding of the discussion at hand. This helps the webinar serve a twofold purpose: it entertains while informing viewers unfamiliar with certain topics or issues of interest.
Gamify your panel discussion to make them, even more, engaging like an actual webinar. Use the attendee registration form feature to ask account-specific questions and provide step-by-step instruction prior to the networking event.
The advantage of webinars is much evident in the middle of this world crisis. Live discussions through video technology are more immersive as they humanize the event.
Live webinars give you an edge over your competition. By interacting with the audience, you provide them with a more memorable and lively experience than their video counterparts. It allows the formation of a personal yet professional connection between the speaker and host. Additionally, lead generation is another critical element for all businesses to sustain. Without qualified leads, your company will stunt its growth. However, collecting information like an email address and phone number allows you to generate more high-quality prospects and membership tiers. It can help you develop your potential customers with just one click of the button!
3. Provide concrete information with multiple perspectives
Online webinars provide an excellent opportunity for businesses to build a rapport with their target audience and offer insights in exchange. These sessions usually offer the attendees much knowledge at every event, depending on what interests them most.
In this way, it is different from any other webinar format because it is not just one person presenting the information. But instead, there is a back and forth discussion between both parties as questions arise during conversations with time constraints. (Here are some other interesting webinar formats that you can plan and host.)
Brainstorming is a simple but effective tool to help you solve tough problems. A panel of experts will share ideas with the audience base. Together, they can critically analyze all angles of an issue until finding better solutions.
Besides, panel discussion allows thinking outside the box. It provides a fresh perspective– letting attendees at these events develop novel ways to tackle issues that might otherwise seem impossible. A panel presents the webinar participants with different viewpoints, resulting in better assimilation of content. It broadens the attendees’ attitude towards the subject, improves judgment, and helps them develop respect for others’ opinions.
4. Establish credibility and authority
Panel discussion allows you to establish brand credibility by providing a platform for experts to come together for one event. Experts only back credible brands, and if you invite an impressive panel of speakers, people will consider you trustworthy and flock towards your brands.
Webinar presentations continue to demonstrate your skills, knowledge, and expertise in the line of business you’re involved in. The trust from that audience continues to grow exponentially due to this insight into what they need help with or want more information from your enterprise.
Suppose you are one of the speaker panels. In that case, you can answer audience questions and valuable industry insights and showcase your industry knowledge. It establishes you as an authority with a good online presence, and you can enjoy long-term benefits.
5. Long-live the content
Compelling webinar content will enjoy a long and fruitful life even after it is long over. When you invite industry experts and practitioners, deliver insightful information and drive engagement, the registrants that missed attending the live event are bound to go over the video recordings.
On top of that, you can further extend the reach of your content through the help of the recording feature. Participants who missed something or want to reference material later will be able to view it on demand. Moreover, you also have an opportunity for future income and residual ROI as you repurpose presentations. This generates new content that others may find valuable.
The discussions also take an interesting turn when it comes to promoting and distributing the event’s content. You can share quotes from the event, make a short video on finding information relevant to your work in this discussion. Besides, you can post it online or even print out some of the talks in more than one format.
Suppose you’re looking for a way to meet new people and build long-lasting business relationships. In that case, it is worth considering joining your company in developing successful webinar campaigns. Networking events like these allow businesses to introduce themselves properly with their target audiences, including prospects, customers, employees, and suppliers.
6. Cost-effective and convenient
The online webinar is a cost-effective way to get your message out. Apart from no travel expenses, webinar registration is usually cheaper than other options and is often free.
Also, with a webinar, you can have the convenience of an online event with all the benefits of in-person engagement. Online events are perfect for people who want to get more done on any given day. It normally takes 45-90 minutes in duration, so it would not take up much of your valuable free time.
On-demand webinars give you access to view an archive of the event when it’s convenient for you. They also make it easier than ever before with mobile devices. You can now take your tablet or smartphone everywhere and watch a webinar session at any time, in any place.
Also, web conferencing technology is now much more user-friendly than it used to be. You don’t need a degree in IT or coding skills anymore. Just get your company registered for the webinar and provide some basic details about their computer system. The webinar software has become faster and less clunky over the last few years, so fewer problems on your end.
Online seminars are the new deal in business

When executed correctly, the live panel webinar that brings together several experts is a great way to make your online event unique. Maximization strategies offer you an employer type financial flexibility and your audience types of service with diverse perspectives on a single topic.
Person seminars such as this also boost attendee participation. And with this step approach, leading business peers and industry speakers on the panel would then recognize you as an authority.
So don’t limit yourself to hosting a single webinar or private webinar! Up your game and host one with successful webinar campaigns with human elements amid the global changes via Airmeet.
Still confused regarding which platform to choose? Schedule a demo and let one of our event experts help plan your next webinar.