Planning an event budget

Plan your event budget and expenses (with template)

Virgil Wadhwa
• March 10, 2023

(12 min read)

Last Updated : 1 Oct 2024

Are you ready to plan the event of the year but feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of creating a budget? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this blog, we’ll provide you with the steps and templates you need to create a budget for any type of event, whether it’s in-person, virtual, or hybrid. With our expert guidance, you can create a budget that will impress your attendees without breaking the bank. So, let’s dive in and make your event planning dreams a reality!

Table of Content

What is an event budget?

An event budget is a financial plan that helps event planners stay on track with their expenses and ensure the success of their event. It includes estimated costs and revenues, such as venue rental, decorations, food and beverage, entertainment, etc.

Creating an event budget requires careful consideration and planning to ensure that all expenses are accounted for and that there are no surprises when it comes to the event. By creating and adhering to a budget, event planners can ensure that they are able to deliver a successful event without overspending or compromising on quality.

How do you create a budget for an event?create a budget for an event

In short, to create an event budget, you should start by making a list of all the expenses you anticipate for the event, including venue rental, catering, decorations, marketing, and any other costs. 

You will also need to research the costs of each item on your list and create a spreadsheet to track and estimate your expenses. Finally, compare your estimated expenses to your available budget to ensure you can afford the event, and make adjustments as needed.

What are fixed costs for event budgets?

Fixed costs are expenses that remain constant and do not change regardless of the number of attendees or the scale of the event. These costs are incurred before the event takes place and are usually non-negotiable. Examples of fixed costs in event planning may include venue rental fees, event insurance, and administrative expenses.

On the other hand, variable costs are expenses that are subject to change depending on the number of attendees and the scale of the event. For example, swag, merchandise, food, beverages, etc. 

9-steps to planning and creating your event budgetplanning and creating your event budget

1) Take cues from your previous event budgets

Looking at previous event budgets can provide valuable insights into the expenses and revenue generated, helping you plan a more accurate and realistic budget for your next event. 

You can also identify what worked and what didn’t – pinpointing the areas where you need to double down and cut costs. 

In short, analyzing the budgets of past events can give you a powerful start. 

2) Set priorities for your event

You need to be clear about the financial outcomes of your event. Do you want to make a profit, break even, or trade off profit for broader brand exposure and mindshare? 

If you’re doing a trade show, then profit might be your end goal; however, for a marketing event, you may be ready to bear an initial loss to expand brand awareness and recognition. 

3) Identify your event goals 

Your event goals will decide where you need to double down and where you’d need to cut costs. 

For example, to leave a lasting impression, you should double down on attendee experience, meaningful swag, and entertainment. However, if your goal is to establish your brand as a thought leader, then having a great set of speakers would take away a sizeable portion of your event budget.

4) Decide a format

Your event can be virtual, hybrid, or in-person. 

Just as the blueprint determines the cost of construction materials and labor, the event format can impact your event budget by determining your overall spending towards the venue, event technology, decor, hospitality, branding, marketing, logistics, equipment, catering, staffing, or entertainment.

5) Number of attendees

Some event expenses are directly proportional to the number of attendees. For example, food, event swag, logistics, and catering. Some virtual event platforms have attendee-based pricing, thus influencing your event budget based on the number of event attendees. 

The total number of attendees is variable, and thus, the estimated cost linked to it can vary until the day of the event. 

6) Research the average event budget for similar events

Try to estimate the industry average and keep that as a guiding point to gauge where you’re overspending and where you are not. Were other events able to offer a similar experience with a lesser budget? If yes, then you might revisit your event plan and see how you can optimize costs. 

As an event planner, you’d also recognize the areas where you’d need to compete to offer a competitive experience and also avenues to gain a competitive advantage by doubling down on some aspects of your event. 

7) Consider Sponsorship

Event sponsorship can impact event budgets in several ways, including increasing revenue, reducing expenses, enhancing production value, and providing marketing and promotion opportunities. The level of impact depends on the type and amount of sponsorship received.

8) Categorize your event budget, and expenses

Events can have many moving parts. Categorizing them into buckets like entertainment, catering, virtual event technology, logistics, promotions, etc., will let you make a clear budget for your event. 

9) Gather cost estimates

You can’t prepare a budget without a quote from your vendors and service providers. So if you don’t have the cost estimates for the items and services you want for your event, it’s a nice idea to reach out to potential providers to ask them for an estimate. 

Event budget breakdown: Listing all your event expensesListing all your event expenses

A comprehensive budget plan consists of all the expenses and costs associated with all the components of your event. Start breaking down your budget categories, like venue, catering, and marketing, into their components

So, pull up your spreadsheets or excel, and let’s dive into creating your very own event budget for virtual, hybrid, and in-person events. 

Common budget expenses for all types of events – in-person, hybrid, or virtual events


A well-branded event is the key to boosting event ROI. This way, people will remember your brand long after the event. Thus, keeping your brand on top of mind whenever they’ll require a service that aligns with your offerings. 

You may include these items in your budget for the event:

  • Graphic and event website design
  • Copy and content 
  • Event website 


You’d need to include marketing and promotion in your event budget plan unless you plan to keep it a secret. People need to know about your event to signup and attend. So make sure you allocate the required budget to marketing as per the number of attendees you want at your event. Remember, not everyone who signups up for your event will show up.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while planning your event budget: 

  • Google ads 
  • Email marketing
  • Social media ads 
  • SEO Content
  • Newsletter partnerships

Entertainment and attendee experience

When attendees leave with happy memories from your events, good things follow. By prioritizing attendee satisfaction, you can increase the likelihood of repeat attendance and positive word-of-mouth recommendations, ultimately leading to greater success and profitability for the event.

While budgeting for your event, It’s recommended to prioritize entertaining and engaging attendees

Here are some recommendations you can plan in your budget to ensure attendee satisfaction: 

  • Dj/Music performance
  • VIP experiences 
  • Experiential activities
  • Photo booths
  • Other rentals
  • Event swag


Speakers play an important role in event success. If they are well-known individuals, then that can help you get more signups for your event. Moreover, A guest speaker can bring a wealth of benefits to an event, from providing valuable insights and perspectives to energizing and entertaining the crowd. With their ability to inspire and support event themes, guest speakers have the potential to make a lasting impact on attendees.

Because they have such a huge impact on the success of your event, you should consider allocating a sizeable portion of your event budget to bring well-known and high-impact speakers. 

  • Speaker fee
  • Equipment needed for speakers
  • Gifts/Coupons
  • Travel and lodging in case of an in-person event. 

Additional expenses for in-person eventsAdditional expenses for in-person events


For an in-person event, the venue takes up a major portion of the budget. While booking a venue, you’ll need to consider costs associated with the number of attendees, accessibility of the venue, and its overall look and feel. 

Here are some items that you’d need to consider: 

  • Equipment 
  • Furniture
  • Wi-Fi 
  • Electricity
  • Carpet / Padding
  • Venue Tech Support
  • Security
  • Staffing
  • Expo Signage
  • Digital Displays 
  • Venue / Registration Signage
  • Booth equipment
  • Parking
  • Liability insurance


Decor plays a significant role in setting the ambiance and atmosphere of an event. It can enhance the overall experience for guests, create a memorable impression, and help to communicate the theme or message of the event. 

Including decor in your event budget is essential because it allows you to allocate resources to create a cohesive and visually appealing event design. Here are a few items that you might need to consider while planning the budget for your event. 

  • Fabric and drapes
  • Lighting
  • Stage Design
  • Gift wraps and boxes 
  • Ceiling design
  • Hanging / Floor Signage
  • Contest / Giveaway Rentals
  • Other Decorative Elements

Food and beverages

Food and beverages should be an integral part of any event budget because they are a basic necessity that attendees expect and appreciate. Neglecting this aspect of the event can result in dissatisfied attendees and a negative perception of the event.

To take it up a notch, ensure that you offer high-quality food and desserts to keep your attendees satisfied. Here are some expenses you’d need to keep in the budget plan:

  • Desserts 
  • Drinks
  • Breakfast/lunch/dinner

Lodging and travel for attendees

For in-person events, your attendees and speakers might need logistic and lodging support. If it’s a marketing or promotional event, you might sponsor one-way tickets for the attendees and offer them accommodation as a part of the event experience. 

For corporate events, you’d need to sponsor accommodation and transport 

  • Flight/Bus/Train tickets
  • Cab expenses
  • Accommodation


Your event may be an in-person event, but you’d still need some software, tools, and technologies to manage multiple aspects of your events. For example, automated kiosks or event management software

The budget allocated to event tech depends on the type of experience you want to deliver to attendees. So there might be some room to cut costs and manage budget and expenses here and there. 

Here are a few things to consider during event budgeting:

  • Event management software
  • Badge printing and RFID 
  • Check-in kiosks

Team and staff

Event staff are like conductors of an orchestra, coordinating and directing every element of the event to ensure a harmonious and seamless experience for attendees. They work tirelessly behind the scenes, troubleshooting, and problem-solving, to ensure the show goes on without a hitch. 

Here is a list of staff you’d need to consider while budgeting:

  • Event managers
  • Event planners 
  • Hospitality staff
  • Security 
  • Tech Staff
  • A/V engineers
  • Housekeeping staff
  • Parking staff


No event is complete without an audio/visual solution. Your speakers will need microphones and speakers, and if it’s a large event, then having additional displays to showcase branded material or present a live stream of the main stage would add to the overall experience. 

However, if the budget for your event is on the lower side, focus first on the audio. Expenses can be cut on video during an in-person event. 

You can also hire a cameraman to capture the key moments of your event to post on social media and your event’s landing page. 

  • Displays 
  • Speakers and Microphones 
  • Audio and video mixers 
  • Projectors
  • Cameras 

Extended budget breakdown for virtual events

So far, we have discussed what budget items and expenses could look like for in-person events, and also some common budget items like entertainment, marketing, food, and beverage for events. 

So here is an extended list of the virtual event budget items to keep in your budgeting plan

Virtual event platform and SaaS tools

Your virtual event platform can make or break the event. Everything from attendee engagement and networking to marketing and post-event analytics depends on the tools and technologies you use for your event. 

Here are some tools and technologies you might need to include in your virtual event budget 

  • Event Platform / Mobile App
  • Registration System
  • Event Website / Hosting
  • Email / Communications
  • Live Streaming Software
  • Backstage Speaker Area
  • Social Media Streaming Tool

A/V Production

These days, people demand more from your events. If your presentations, videos, and streams are not production quality, then you’ll lose opportunities to make an impression on your event attendees. 

Here are items to add to your budget worksheet for your event A/V production

  • Video Production / Editing
  • Presenter kits (Webcams, microphones, and ring lights)
  • Live Production team
  • Pre-Recorded Content Creation
  • Live Streaming Specialist(s) 

Virtual event branding

Just like any other event, branding your event will incur certain expenses that you’d need to include in your virtual event budget. 

Here are some branding items to consider while budgeting: 

  • Your virtual spaces like receptions, booths, and lounges
  • Branding content for Social Media like banners, profile pictures, and more
  • Event website branding
  • Digital Content Downloads
  • Agenda 
  • Online Event collaterals
  • event swag

Event budget items for hybrid events

Since hybrid events are an amalgamation of both online, and in-person events, all of the items mentioned above can be considered in an event budget plan for hybrid events. 

This includes everything from transportation and logistics to decor and virtual event platforms

Template to create your event budget

No that you know what goes into the expenses and the granular breakdown of budget categories, it’s time to create your event budget with this simple template. 

Here’s the list of columns for your event budget worksheet. These columns can work for planning event budgets for any type of event. 

So let’s deep dive into the columns: 

Category Name

We discussed creating budget categories for an event like marketing, food and beverages, venue, virtual event technology and etc. 

In this column, you can start adding the relevant categories to your event budget. 

Item name

This column would have items under a particular category 


Summarize the item description by including only the most important details so that all the teammates in your event planning team should know about it. 


This is where you add any notes that you’d want to share with all the team members. 


Mention the cost of the item or the service that you will need for the event. 


Mention the quantity of the items or frequency and duration of the services. 

Estimated Expense

As you progress in your event planning process, your estimated expenses will also change. Some vendors will change, the costs of the items might increase or decrease, or a few items might be replaced from the list. 

Actual Expense

This column should reflect the real-time updates in the overall expense of the budget after accommodating all the changes. 


Calculating the difference between the actual expense and estimated expense will enable you to gain insights and track your event budget.  

Estimated income

Calculate an estimated inflow depending on the forecast of ticket sales, profit margins, and event sponsorship available. Your estimated income will play a decisive role in planning your event budget. 

Actual income 

Maybe the ticket sales didn’t do as well as planned, or one of the sponsors backed out.  Your actual income should reflect these updates in real-time as your progress in your event planning process. 


It’s important to keep track of differences as it lets you make preemptive decisions while planning your event’s budget. 


Lastly, include a section to add any comments for your team members. 

Here’s an event budget worksheet template and example



Est. cost

Actual cost





A/V prod

Presenter kits







Audio mixers







Audio cables







Video equipment kit









Event management software







RFID solutions





















Expert tips for planning your event budgetExpert tips for planning your event budget

1) Remember that your event budget is a living document

Any event budget is a breathing, living document that needs to be updated time-to-time. As your event progresses, the cost associated with services and items is subject to change. Thus, these changes in the event budget should be proactively tracked and shared with all the stakeholders. 

2) Reach out to sponsors

Onboarding sponsors will help you host an amazing event even on a shoestring budget. Sponsors can add value to your events by offering services like technology solutions, food, and beverages or by infusing capital to plan your event. 

3) Keep your sponsors and stakeholders in the loop

The success of an event can be heavily influenced by the level of support provided by sponsors toward the budget. To ensure effective communication with sponsors, it is important to keep them informed about the progress of the event. Doing so can contribute to a more streamlined budget planning process.

4) Follow the latest event trends

Being aware of event trends can help you budget efficiently, attract more attendees, and achieve better results. Incorporating popular trends ensures you stay true to your event’s purpose without overspending.

5) Create an event budgeting committee to keep track of spending and expenses

Consider forming a budget committee to review the spending habits of all the teams involved. By working together towards your goals, you can achieve success as a team.

6) Source the best possible vendors

To make the most of your budget during the planning process, it’s a great idea to reach out to a variety of vendors. By talking to a few caterers, DJs, performers, and decorators, you can find the ones that not only provide excellent services but also fit within your in-person or virtual event budget. 

So, take the time to connect with vendors, and you’ll be able to create an unforgettable event that stays within your budget.

7) Purchase event cancellation insurance

As event planners, we know that we need to be prepared for any kind of situation possible. Event cancellation insurance is important because it can provide financial protection in case unforeseen circumstances force an event to be canceled or postponed. It’s like having an umbrella on a cloudy day – you may not end up needing it, but it’s comforting to know that you’re prepared for any unexpected rain that may come your way.

8) Build a contingency fund

A contingency fund is necessary while planning an event to prepare for unforeseen circumstances or emergencies that may arise during the event, ensuring that the event can continue without significant disruption or cancellation.

Final Thoughts

Budgeting gives you a basic framework to start with, and not all expenses can be forecasted. It is a good idea to have a  reserve and pad your budget for unexpected expenses. A virtual event does away with a large number of expenses associated with an in-person event. These include costs related to venue rental, hospitality, equipment rental, staffing, etc.

In this blog, we discussed methods to create your own event budget planning worksheet presented an easy template, and a few examples of how you can plan your event budgets and expenses. 

So get ready, fire up your worksheets, and start planning your event budget!

Here’s an event budget worksheet template and example



Est. cost

Actual cost





A/V prod

Presenter kits







Audio mixers







Audio cables







Video equipment kit









Event management software







RFID solutions






















Expert tips for planning your event budgetExpert tips for planning your event budget

1) Remember that your event budget is a living document

Any event budget is a breathing, living document that needs to be updated time-to-time. As your event progresses, the cost associated with services and items is subject to change. Thus, these changes in the event budget should be proactively tracked and shared with all the stakeholders. 

2) Reach out to sponsors

Onboarding sponsors will help you host an amazing event even on a shoestring budget. Sponsors can add value to your events by offering services like technology solutions, food, and beverages or by infusing capital to plan your event. 

3) Keep your sponsors and stakeholders in the loop

The success of an event can be heavily influenced by the level of support provided by sponsors toward the budget. To ensure effective communication with sponsors, it is important to keep them informed about the progress of the event. Doing so can contribute to a more streamlined budget planning process.

4) Follow the latest event trends

Being aware of event trends can help you budget efficiently, attract more attendees, and achieve better results. Incorporating popular trends ensures you stay true to your event’s purpose without overspending.

5) Create an event budgeting committee to keep track of spending and expenses

Consider forming a budget committee to review the spending habits of all the teams involved. By working together towards your goals, you can achieve success as a team.

6) Source the best possible vendors

To make the most of your budget during the planning process, it’s a great idea to reach out to a variety of vendors. By talking to a few caterers, DJs, performers, and decorators, you can find the ones that not only provide excellent services but also fit within your in-person or virtual event budget. 

So, take the time to connect with vendors, and you’ll be able to create an unforgettable event that stays within your budget.

7) Purchase event cancellation insurance

As event planners, we know that we need to be prepared for any kind of situation possible. Event cancellation insurance is important because it can provide financial protection in case unforeseen circumstances force an event to be canceled or postponed. It’s like having an umbrella on a cloudy day – you may not end up needing it, but it’s comforting to know that you’re prepared for any unexpected rain that may come your way.

8) Build a contingency fund

A contingency fund is necessary while planning an event to prepare for unforeseen circumstances or emergencies that may arise during the event, ensuring that the event can continue without significant disruption or cancellation.

Why Should You Plan Your Event Budget and Expenses?

Event budgeting is a vital component of the event planning process. That is why good finance administration is critical for every event, whether virtual, hybrid, or in-person. According to stat, A staggering 73% of marketers are boosting their event budgets in 2023, compared to 38% in 2021 and 35% in 2022.

The most budget model is one that defines cost and revenue in three broad categories: pessimistic, realistic, and optimistic. Because they provide a more comprehensive and accurate way to estimate costs and revenue for an event and ensure that you have enough financial resources to make your event a success.

Here are some reasons why you should plan your event’s budget and expenses:

  • Assist you in managing the costs: Planning an event budget helps you control your expenses efficiently. It gives you a good idea of all the potential expenses, from venue rental and catering to marketing and staffing.

It lets you understand your overall budget so that you can allocate the required amount of money to each element and make informed decisions. As you allocate adequate funds for the essential elements, your unnecessary expenses get reduced naturally.

A well-crafted budget gives you negotiation strength when dealing with vendors and suppliers. You confidently negotiate prices, terms, and conditions based on your budget, increasing your chances of securing favorable deals.

  • Provide Strategic Financial Blueprint: A well-structured event budget serves as a roadmap that outlines the expected costs and revenues associated with an event. It also guarantees that the event stays under budget and will take appropriate actions to succeed. 

By providing a clear financial plan, event budgeting lowers financial risk. At the same time, it helps you avoid overspending, manage risks effectively, and achieve your financial goals. 

  • Identifies Potential Gaps: Setting an event budget is a crucial step in the event planning process since it allows you to recognize possible deficiencies and obstacles. 

When you make a budgeting plan, you properly analyze costs and revenues, which enables you to identify areas where resources may fall short or where adjustments need to be made to run a successful program.

Event budgeting forces you to consider every aspect of your event, from venue costs, and marketing to catering and technical requirements.

(For example, If you are planning a corporate conference and your initial budget might be around:

Venue rental: $50,000

Catering: $30,000

Speakers: $20,000

Marketing: $10,000

Miscellaneous expenses: $5,000

The total budget cost would be $115,000

During the budgeting process, you may realize that your marketing budget is too low to reach your desired audience. You might need to allocate more funds to social media advertising, email campaigns, or public relations activities.


You may find that you forget to include the cost of audiovisual equipment, which is needed for the event’s presentations and sound management. After researching, you find that AV equipment will cost an extra $2,000.

This is where your original budget falls short.)

This way, you identify the gap in your budget and take the next step accordingly. Either by cutting costs in other areas or looking to get funding.

  • Enhances Decision-Making Ability: Event budgeting lets event planners make informed decisions by offering a clear financial framework. It optimizes the decisions so that you can achieve the desired outcomes.

With a well-structured budget, you make informed choices about where to invest, where to cut costs, and which expenses to prioritize, ensuring that program requirements are met within financial constraints.

  • Helps Secure Sponsorships and Funding: Having a well-structured budget for an event is a great way to attract sponsors and secure funding. You need a clear budget at hand if you want to approach sponsors. Because, It gives potential investors a clear idea of the event’s scope, costs, and possible return on investment (ROI).

In fact, your budget helps sponsors assess the financial needs of your event and understand how they can contribute to making your occasion a success. Plus, it clearly shows the potential benefits sponsors will gain or expect after supporting your event, such as increased brand exposure, lead generation, improved customer engagement, and more.

If your event is big, prominent, and requires a large additional budget, obtaining sponsorships can help cover significant costs. It can also assist in expanding your brand’s visibility and attract new customers.

  • Aids in Future Event Planning: Event budgeting benefits in future event planning. In fact, A well-structured budget from your previous event serves as a financial template for your upcoming events. You can definitely refer to it for cost estimation, planning, and saving your efforts.

In the long run, budgeting helps you identify patterns of expenditure and adjust accordingly, such as rising costs in marketing, production, and other areas. When you review your past budget while planning future events, you more accurately estimate future expenses.

Reviewing your previous event budget helps you identify where you overspent so you don’t repeat it at the next event. By using budgeting models from past events, you can set more realistic financial goals for your future events and refine your strategy over time.

Final Thoughts

Budgeting gives you a basic framework to start with, and not all expenses can be forecasted. It is a good idea to have a  reserve and pad your budget for unexpected expenses. A virtual event does away with a large number of expenses associated with an in-person event. These include costs related to venue rental, hospitality, equipment rental, staffing, etc.

In this blog, we discussed methods to create your own event budget planning worksheet presented an easy template, and a few examples of how you can plan your event budgets and expenses. 

So get ready, fire up your worksheets, and start planning your event budget!

Frequently asked questions

Event planners optimize budget templates by personalizing them to include all potential expenses, forecasting costs, and contingency funds. Event planners also regularly update these templates throughout the planning process to ensure financial transparency and effective management of event expenses. 

Planning a budget for hybrid events involves considering both virtual and in-person components. For hybrid events, a typical budget is allocated for:

  • Hybrid event platforms
  • Funds for other hybrid tools and solutions
  • Venue rental & catering
  • Marketing & promotion 
  • Any additional expenses

Budgeting provides a structured framework for resource allocation, identifying potential cost-saving opportunities, and tracking funds & expenses. This structured approach empowers small businesses to successfully host events by ensuring financial stability throughout the event planning process. 

Online payroll services like QuickBooks Payments streamline budget management for events by automating payment processes, providing real-time financial insights, and offering convenient features for tracking expenses and managing cash flow.

The free event budget primarily concentrates on allocating funds for essential expenses such as virtual event platforms, venue rental for on-site events, marketing, and equipment, as it does not include revenue from ticket sales. 

While a ticketed event budget considers ticket sales revenue as a primary income source, it may necessitate additional budgeting for ticketing platforms and associated fees. 

A contingency fund is crucial in the event planning process as it serves as a safety net for unforeseen expenses or emergencies. It provides financial flexibility and ensures that event planners can address unexpected challenges without compromising the overall success or quality of the event.

There are various elements to consider when estimating event revenue including

  • Ticket sales: View the total number of tickets sold. Also, evaluate any discounts or early bird tickets offered to boost ticket sales.
  • Sponsorships: Evaluate the value of sponsorship packages and calculate potential earnings from sponsors. 
  • Exhibitor fees: View the number of exhibitors, their booth fees, and total revenue.
  • Food and Beverage: Calculate the total revenue generated from food and beverage sales at the event.
  • Other expenses: Determine other event expenses, including venue rental, catering, entertainment, marketing, and staffing.

Venue rent and staffing costs take up a lot of an event’s budget. However, Their expenses could drop depending on the location and size of the event.

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