Hybrid events: Everything
you need to know about them

Hybrid events are fast becoming a popular choice for event organizers.
But what does a hybrid event look like? How are they different from
virtual or in-person events? What considerations do you need to
make when planning a hybrid event? All will be revealed
in this detailed guide.

(15 min read)

Table of Content

What is a hybrid event?

Picture this: Your keynote speaker is setting up on stage, and those who attend in person start taking their seats (notebooks and coffee in hand), all while you’ve got thousands of virtual attendees tuning in from online.  The event kicks off with several engaging in-person and virtual components that give the virtual attendees more than just a live stream. 

With the power of a hybrid event platform, virtual and in-person attendees can network in multiple breakout sessions and participate in fun activities such as trivia or polls. Over lunch, they can tune into a live interactive stream of DJ sessions to re-energize before attending the afternoon Q&A panel. 

Welcome to your first hybrid event. It’s—quite literally—the perfect blend between virtual and in-person events.

Hybrid vs. virtual and in-person events

Hybrid events provide the best of both worlds for onsite attendees and online attendees. But how do they compare to virtual and in-person events? What are the pros and cons of hybrid events?
Let’s discuss.

Overview of the differences between them

First, the obvious difference: one is completely online (virtual), another is exclusively physical (in-person), and the other provides a mix of both (hybrid).

Both virtual and hybrid events offer the opportunity to increase reach and attendance count. Strictly in-person events can present logistical issues, such as coordinating speaker schedules and travel restrictions. 

While physically present attendees might gain the advantage of being able to strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to them, the virtual components of modern online event platforms allow you to create dedicated networking spaces—for example, virtual lounges and breakout sessions—to give attendees the same networking capabilities.

Basically, it doesn’t matter how you frame it, hybrid events allow you to capitalize on the advantages of both virtual and in-person events. They cancel out the disadvantages and create a win-win.

What are the benefits of hybrid events?

Increase attendance count

A hybrid event allows virtual attendees to experience the event if they cannot attend an in-person conference due to health, money, or travel concerns.

A positive return on investment (ROI)

Market event research published by Markletic shows that 47% of respondents saw a positive ROI from their hybrid event in as little as 3-6 months and 86% within 6-12 months.

Reduce carbon footprint

Limiting the number of people attending in-person can help reduce transportation, food, consumption, and energy demands.

More opportunities to create a truly unique event experience

Since you’re combining the functionalities of face-to-face events and virtual meetings into a hybrid format, you get a much broader spectrum of options to deliver an epic event experience. For example, your registration process could offer multiple ticket tiers to maximize your audience. Tiers could range from 100% virtual to on-demand video access and all-access passes, including live in-person access to all sessions and keynotes.

A space for in-person connection

A hybrid event allows participants to have the human connection experience in-person. But it also gives participants who may have wanted to attend in person (but are now unable) the opportunity to engage virtually via the hybrid event app, even with the on-site participants. 

More ways to deliver your content and message

Combining in-person with virtual allows you to connect multiple events occurring simultaneously or at different times or locations.

Advantages of hybrid events over traditional in-person events?

Greater choice of speakers and sponsors—With some aspects of the event being virtual, you’ve got the pick of the bunch! If the speaker you want is based halfway around the world and unable to travel—poof!—hybrid events remove this limitation.

Better insight into your audiences’ behavior patterns and interests—Easily track the digital footprints of your virtual attendees and how they interact with your event. This means better targeting, and it’s easier to measure your return on investment (ROI).

Flexible networking conditions—Hybrid events allow in-person attendees to network not only with people physically at the venue but with people all over the world.

Advantages of hybrid over virtual events (virtual vs. hybrid events)

You can offer a tangible experienceEducate your potential customers and field questions in person to build a deeper understanding of your products or services. Better yet, give all your virtual attendees a front-row seat to every presentation, conversation, and performance.

Offer in-person human connectionA handshake when you greet someone. Or hearing and being part of a cheering audience in real life. These simple human experiences feel really different in person compared to sitting behind a computer screen.

Mix-and-match delivery formatsRemember, best of both worlds. A hybrid event allows you to completely push the boundaries on how you create an engaging experience. Bring your two audiences (virtual and in-person) closer together with speed-networking sessions by combining physical and virtual breakout rooms equipped with screens and webcams.

Hybrid events in action: what do they look like?

Hybrid events use a combination of delivery formats and experiences from in-person and virtual events. 

You can define an event as ‘hybrid’ when it includes any meeting or event with at least one group of in-person attendees that virtually (digitally) connect with attendees in another or multiple locations.

Hybrid events require careful planning. After all, you are providing two experiences for two audiences: in-person and virtual. 

Different types of hybrid events

By now, you understand that hybrid means a combination of in-person and virtual. 

But what does a hybrid event look like?

  • You could have multiple speakers with an in-person panel but a completely virtual audience;
  • Or an in-person audience with a combination of an in-person host and virtual presenters.

Hybrid event examples

The following list of hybrid event examples isn’t exhaustive, but it gives you an idea of how you might want to use hybrid events for your own business.

  • Hybrid Summits and conferences
  • Hybrid Networking events
  • Hybrid Trade shows, Expos
  • Hybrid Demo days
  • Hybrid Product launches and virtual celebrations
  • Hybrid Workshops
  • Hybrid Town Halls
  • Hybrid Celebration events
  • Hybrid internal training and onboarding

Hybrid event best practices

Even though hybrid events will keep evolving, here are some starting best practices to keep in mind before you jump straight into planning your first hybrid event.

Be seen and heard clearly

Make sure the in-person and virtual hybrid event equipment set-up (i.e., audio-visual)is integrated seamlessly and delivers the same experience.

Engage both audiences equally

Lean into the fact that you can increase your event’s reach to a global audience. Plan promotional activities such as running competitions, sharing a video teaser, or setting up a pre-event poll.

Build pre-event anticipation online

At Airmeet it’s our job to build a robust, engaging, and feature packed virtual event platform. Thus, that’d naturally be our recommendation. But here are some tips you can use to choose a platform for yourself.   

  • A good virtual event platform would allow you to curate the entire experience, from registration to how attendees and speakers interact with one another.
  • You should also look for networking, engagement, and event gamification features like chats, social lounges, breakout rooms, quizzes, polls, Q&A, and leaderboards. Lastly, a virtual event platform should offer robust security, and a glitch-free experience. 

Choose the right venue and event platform

In a hybrid event setting, you need a fit-for-purpose event space with a stable internet connection and the right event platform to help you bring the virtual component to life.

Consider budget carefully

Between the venue, catering, travel, speaker fees, technology set-up, and audio-visual costs—you might end up with a surprising sum. The best thing to do here is plan accordingly. Estimate costs up front, stick to a budget, and scale back where necessary.

Perform an event analysis to measure success

Without a doubt, there will be more events. Make sure you’re set up to collect event data accurately. Look at things like registration and attendee rates (tracked through attendee logins or QR codes), most popular content downloads, chat metrics, Q&A, or live poll engagement, to name a few. 

Now you have the best practices at a high level—let’s go into more detail on how to host and plan a hybrid event.

How to host and plan a hybrid event

Like any event—if you want it to be a success, you’ve got to put in the work and plan. Planning a successful hybrid event requires stretching your creativity, effectively strategizing, and integrating the right technology with traditional in-person events to deliver new types of experiences. 

How to host a hybrid event

With this in mind, here’s a broad overview of how to host a hybrid event(step-by-step):

Step 1: Set your goals and objectives for the event

Step 2: Decide on an event venue and a virtual event platform

Step 3: Study your audience and create personas to guide your planning

Step 4: Conceptualize your event (i.e., work out the theme and the experience from start to finish)

Step 5: Work out the budget you’ll need to bring your vision to life

Step 6: Lock in speakers, entertainment, and hosts

Step 7: Seek out relevant sponsors

Step 8: Refine your event agenda and timelines leading up to the event

Step 9: Begin crafting content for your hybrid event

Step 10: Get started with hybrid event marketing to build hype and registration numbers

Step 11: Run a mock event rehearsal to prepare for potential technical glitches

Step 12: Successfully host your event! (because you followed the steps and planned everything so well) 

Step 13: Review performance and calculate the ROI of the event a few months later

Now that you know what hosting hybrid events look like at a glance let’s dig into more detail.

Hosting hybrid events: The basics

After you’ve got all your ducks in a row at the planning stages, you have to think further about hosting the event. 

Simply put: what else do you need to consider to deliver a hybrid event experience like no other? While we discuss the requisites in the sections ahead, check out these hybrid event ideas for your next hybrid event. 

Seamless registration and ticketing for your event

Make it easy for in-person and virtual attendees to register for your event before and on the day.

Before the event: Set up a single registration form. This makes everything seamless for virtual and in-person attendees pre-registering for the event. It also helps you limit venue capacity to keep everyone comfortable. 

On the day the event goes live: To fill any potential free slots on the day, you can encourage attendees to register online, or on the day the event goes live, you can have a registration desk at the venue for in-person attendees to register on the spot.

An Audio Visual (A/V) production team

Imagine facing audio glitches, low-quality video streams, and poor lighting at your hybrid event. It would be a repelling experience for your attendees. 

Your A/V team will handle all of this for you. 

Having a professional team for AV production can ensure that you present the best and most stunning experience possible. A great event experience is a key to event success. 

A reliable hybrid events platform to bring all your hybrid event needs to life

You’ve got the attendees and the quality production set-up to present your content, but something is missing—a hybrid events platform to tie everything together. 

We’ll talk more on this later, but the main thing here is understanding that using a capable platform will tie everything together about your hybrid event: registration, networking, streaming, analytics, engagement and interactions, stages, live polls, quizzes, you name it. 

This makes sure your attendees have equal opportunities to engage and network in a virtual space, receiving the same energizing experience as in-person attendees—all made possible by a hybrid event platform.

Hybrid event planning: Four elements for success

Hosting successful hybrid events require four well-executed elements:


Content that is crafted and delivered in a way that will knock your audience’s socks off. This includes a killer agenda designed to run like clockwork and delivers an engaging program for virtual and in-person audiences.

A sense of community

A sense of community ignited by carefully planned networking activities and collaborative elements designed to spark organic conversations.

Engaging activities

Engaging activities that spur participation and keep the audience immersed. Plan activities like quizzes, polls, trivia, or activities like scavenger hunts, and mixology classes to keep your audience stimulated.

Analytics to measure success

Analytics to measure success and capture multiple data points around understanding your attendee demographics, identifying patterns and trends, measuring engagement, and checking sponsor traction. Having this information will not only help you plan your next event, but it will also give you information to help personalize follow-up communications.

If you manage to hit all four of these, massive kudos.

Five pro tips for hosting hybrid events (and making them more engaging and interactive)

Let’s face it: the human attention span is much shorter than we realize. 

Keep your audience engaged with these five quick tips:

💡 Tip #1:

Spur networking by encouraging attendees to use virtual spaces like virtual breakout rooms, virtual lounges, Fluid Space, and speed networking activities. Set dedicated time for these activities. 

Create networking opportunities to encourage virtual and in-person attendees to interact, like a networking lounge or speed networking activities.

💡 Tip #2

Encourage audiences to share their opinion or thoughts through interactive elements such as chat, polls, or live Q&As. 

💡 Tip #3

Go high on entertainment by incorporating acts like a band performance, comedian, a game of trivia, or even a cooking class to break up the learning and presentations.

💡 Tip #4

Find ways to diversify your content by introducing different formats and variety through the form of videos, gifs, slideshows, and audio talks.

💡 Tip #5

Gift attendees some swag and other essential items they can use throughout the event—snack box, coffee, notebook, t-shirt, etc.

Finally, your hybrid event checklist and steps for seamless event planning

Covering all of the considerations, tips, and ideas discussed so far—we’ve distilled it all into an actionable checklist:

Set clear goals and objectives

Use these answers to create KPIs so you know what and how to measure the success of the event.

Decide on event venue and time zones

Choosing the right time zone is an important decision. You have to consider how you’ll cater to on-site attendees and virtual attendees. It’s likely the time zones for the virtual audiences will be completely different. The best way to plan around this is by running multi-sessions, pre-recording live events, or offering content on demand. 

Understand your audience: develop personas

Creating personas can be a foundational piece of information to look back on throughout the entire planning process. When you understand the audience you’re trying to reach, you will market your event better, create more targeted content, and design a better experience. All leading to a better ROI. 

Your persona should include information about

The clearer you get on the audience you’re trying to target, the more specific you can be when choosing sponsors, speakers, and other elements for your hybrid event.

But before you start your speaker outreach…

Plan budget estimates carefully

You’ve got two arenas to consider costs:

In-person event: venue costs, food/catering, styling and decor,  equipment and furniture rentals, parking facilities, signage, printing, transportation, speaker fees, staffing costs, marketing collateral, A/V equipment

Virtual event: event technology (virtual event platform), third-party integrations, content creation (videos), A/V equipment

This all adds up. Of course, it will vary depending on the scale of the event you’re planning. Once you have a good pulse check on budgets, you can confidently negotiate with vendors and speakers too.

Lock in your speakers, entertainment, hosts, and sponsors

By now, you have a good idea of what makes your target audience tick, the budgets, and the goals of the event. Time to lock in your ideal speakers, musicians, or panel leaders to give your event some clout. Give yourself plenty of lead time to have these conversations.   

Refine your agenda and the steps to keep things moving

This is where you need to get more into the nitty gritty. You have an idea of who (even how many) speakers you want on board. 

Now it’s time to think about how the event will run. How many sessions will you have? How long will they be? When will you schedule entertainment breaks? What engaging elements will you incorporate into your event?

Once you’ve got the ideas, think about the deadlines you need to set for each element of the event. Assign responsibilities with your event management team and meet regularly to keep up with the progress.

Get the word out and build buzz around your event

What does your hybrid event marketing plan look like? Let your target audience —and the type of experience you want to provide—help you determine what channels to use (i.e., email, social media ads, or physical mail). 

With your key messaging: focus on the most important aspects of your in-person and virtual components of the event. State-of-the-art venue? Epic speaker line-up? Amazing entertainment? Unique approaches to networking? Whatever they are, make them seen and heard.

Don’t forget to promote your #EventHashtags! So your attendees can post updates before, during, and after your event.

One more thing: don’t forget to measure the effectiveness of your hybrid event marketing strategy. 

  • Emails: monitor the open rate, click-through rates, and response rates.
  • Physical mail: build a dedicated landing page with a custom URL to track traffic. 

Social media advertising: Track conversion rates, click-through rates, shares, and other qualitative data such as comments or direct messages

Prepare for technical difficulties

Whether at an in-person event or virtual event—technology sometimes finds a way to kick up a stink. Planning for the unexpected is hard, so just do the best you can. In the event of a technical disruption, what’s your plan? Can you have a backup internet connection available?

Schedule tests of each set-up with speakers, moderators, and entertainment vendors before the event goes live. Run a mock-up event rehearsal if you want!

Follow-up post event and review success

Your event went off without a hitch! Nice one. Market research by Markletic said 89% of event organizers measure the success of their hybrid events by attendee satisfaction. One way to measure this is by using a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey. 

Once you’ve got your attendee feedback, schedule a review meeting with your entire event organizer team a week or two after the event to open the floor for discussion. What worked well? What didn’t? Do the results reflect the objectives we set at the beginning?

And voila, you’ve got your checklist. 

Before you go off and rally your team: earlier, we mentioned using a hybrid event platform. Let’s quickly discuss this.

Grab 5 event planning checklists for free

Hybrid event platforms 101: What are they, and what do they do?

Even with a checklist to follow, planning an event can be overwhelming. A hybrid event requires you to cater to two distinct audiences: 

  • The in-person experience requires the physical stuff: venue, booths, product displays, a stage, and even a microphone for the speaker. 
  • For a virtual audience, you’re thinking about live streaming, polls, Q&A sessions, and chat rooms for networking.

How do you bring these two worlds together?

Here’s the answer.

What is a hybrid event platform?

A hybrid event platform can help you merge these two experiences together into a beautiful, seamless event experience. 

Your virtual attendees and in-person attendees can interact with each other, the speakers, panel hosts, sponsors, and entertainment, all within one single platform. 

Naturally, you’re probably wondering how to decide on a suitable hybrid event platform to execute your hybrid event strategy.

Say no more. 

Airmeet’s hybrid event platform: Key Features

In a spectacularly (and unashamedly) biased fashion, let’s walk through how Airmeet helps you bring the best of in-person and virtual events together.

Here’s how:

Airmeet’s hybrid event platform

Feature #1

Unified registration & ticketing: You can personalize the agenda and schedule to suit the mode of attendance

Feature #2

Segmented tickets with QR codes: Offer different ticket types for virtual and in-person attendees

Feature #3

Conditional forms for easy information gathering: Gather specific information about an attendee including what sessions they want to attend and if they attended them

Feature #4

Interactive stage to boost engagement: Virtual event attendees have the opportunity to interact and share the screen with in-person speakers by taking the live stage virtually.

Feature #5

360-degree analytics for all attendees: This will help you track engagement and attendance to give you a comprehensive view of your event. Use the data to analyze your ROI and for better segmentation for targeted lead generation.

Feature #6

Highly rated mobile app: Your attendees will be able to tune in from their smartphone while on the go to drive attendance rates and engagement.

Feature #7

Immersive booths: You get complete control over the branding and experience of your booths. Add your own personality through custom links, lead magnet offers, images, and themes. You can also give sponsors branding exclusivity to a booth, helping to justify the value of getting involved with your event.

Feature #8

Rich integrations: Forget CSV uploads. Plug all your everyday apps into the platform to make it easier to sync your CRM, productivity tools, and marketing apps seamlessly.

Cvent’s hybrid event platform: Key Features

Cvent’s hybrid event platform

1. Onsite solutions for onsite check-in, on-demand badge printing, real-time registration count, and more.

2. Event management software to manage hybrid interactions and event workflows.

3. Engaging & interactive features, like live broadcasts, AI-powered networking, chats, Q&A, and polls.

Whova’s hybrid event platform: Key Features

Whova’s hybrid event platform

1. Agenda management, seamless event moderation, sponsor, and exhibitor management solutions.

2. Features, such as Q&A and polls, to engage both online and onsite attendees effectively.

3. Networking opportunities via community board, 1-1 chat, speed networking, and more.

vFairs’s hybrid event platform: Key Features

vFairs’s hybrid event platform

1. Onsite tech and solutions, like QR codes for check-ins, on-ground technical staff, and badge printing.

2. Event registration & ticketing management with custom landing pages, personalized registration forms, and seamless integration. 

3. Effective engagement & networking with Q&A, polls, quizzes, an event leaderboard, a custom virtual photo booth, breakout rooms, and attendee matchmaking sessions.

Accelevents’s hybrid event platform: Key Features

Accelevents’s hybrid event platform

1. Event registration solutions, streamlined onsite check-in, built-in badge design, and printing. 

2. Hybrid engagement capabilities, like real-time polls, integrated onsite & virtual chat rooms, tag-based networking for in-person & virtual attendees, and more.

3. Sponsorship & exhibitor opportunities, lead capture, and integration capabilities. 

Swoogo’s hybrid event platform: Key Features

Swoogo’s hybrid event platform

1. Hybrid capabilities, like badge creation, event check-in, hotel management, payment gateways, and live streaming, to cater to both in-person and virtual attendees.

2. Interactive features, like chats and 1:1 meetings.

SpotMe’s hybrid event platform: Key Features

SpotMe’s hybrid event platform

1. Mobile and web applications for streamlined attendee management

2. Robust features, like personalized registration process, networking capabilities, live streaming, and live-captioning support for seamless hybrid event execution

Zuddl’s hybrid event platform: Key Features

Zuddl’s hybrid event platform

1. Variety of attendee engagement & interaction features, including pinned polls, Q&A, surveys, chat, interest-based networking, session streaming, and more.

2. Communications management tailored to both remote and in-person attendees with custom emails, SMS, and push notifications.

3. MAP/CRM integration capabilities. 

Hybrid event platforms: Plans & Pricing Overview

Plans & Pricing Overview

Platform Name

Free Trial/Free Plan

Total Plans Offered

Pricing Details




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Not Available

Three Annual Plans 

Per Event/ Product

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Not Available


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Are hybrid events the future? Hybrid event trends for today and beyond

Virtual events took the spotlight in a big way during 2020, but expect to see more hybrid event adoption in 2022 and beyond. In fact, Gartner predicts hybrids will dominate event strategy discussions in 2022.

More event strategies will adapt to digital

Investing more in hybrid events will become the norm, with 34% of event organizers expecting to host more in the next few years.

Forrester plans to host their 2022 events in a hybrid format with both in-person and digital experiences. In their first large-scale hybrid event, B2B Summit North America 2020, Forrester transitioned to digital and captured more attendees than ever before.

Hybrid events will be preferred at an enterprise level

We won’t be saying goodbye to in-person events, but—at an enterprise level— research by Markletic confirmed that 32% of enterprise organizations said their global events team primarily hosts hybrid events. This hybrid event trend is only expected to rise over the next year.

Sustainability will play an important role in event planning

Sustainability seems to be an emerging event trend. To meet consumer demands for brands to develop more sustainable practices, event planners have sustainability on their radars.

For those who don’t want to ditch physical events entirely, event planners are planning more localized events to reduce travel-related carbon footprint contributions.

The moral of this story is to stay true to your brand values and align your event planning with that. Hybrid event planning can help you bring more balance into your sustainability approach. Thus, experts believe that sustainability is the next virtual and hybrid event trend.

Data management will be a key focus

Trends suggest that hybrid events can be goldmines for marketers and event planners. The amount of data you can collect around attendees, session statistics, engagement levels, and survey feedback presents a lot of opportunity.

Interestingly, research conducted by Eventsforce revealed data management is a key concern and challenge when running virtual events or hybrid events.

The main reason why: they are collecting more data than ever before! And 82% feel that a good data management strategy will become more pronounced and vital for running hybrid events. 

Planning your hybrid events strategy

A virtual hackathon happening

Without a doubt, hybrid events can be leveraged to achieve your business growth goals and marketing objectives, and increase consumer mindshare. Given the amount of business potential, it stands to reason: events shouldn’t just be hosted once a year with all the frills. Your hybrid event strategy should be designed to deliver a whole range of interconnected event experiences throughout the year.

But like any great marketing strategy, these events need to be delivered for the right reasons, at the right time, and for the right audience.

In short, you need to stop seeing events as one-off opportunities but as always-on growth machines for your business. This event strategy is called Event-led Growth. 

An Event-led Growth Strategy challenges your thinking on what you think the purpose of an event is. It requires a total mindset shift. For the marketing team, it means less focus on generating leads and more focus on building relationships. It also means crafting smaller, more specific sessions to serve one audience segment.

Event-led Growth (ELG) helps you create an immersive and integrated event experience across your entire customer journey. Think of it this way: not every marketing-generated lead should be treated the same way. Someone might be higher in the funnel and require some more information about your product and its benefits. While another lead could be lower in the funnel and ready to have some deep, detailed discussions around specific use cases.

Adopting this way of thinking helps you unify your sales and marketing departments to plan event content that will serve a specific need—and keep the customer at the core of every decision you make.

To put this into context, let’s take Forrester’s swift transition to digital:

In March 2020, they had their biggest event, B2B Summit North America, coming up. As Lisa Riley, Senior Vice President and Head of Events at Forrester, puts it: “The greatest thing about Forrester is that we’re customer obsessed. We place the customer at the center of our strategy, operations, and leadership.” 

What they also knew was their customers placed a lot of value on the content Forrester analysts delivered at their events. 

Then it was time to pivot. They decided they would deliver the content digitally, transitioning from what was going to be an in-person event to a virtual stage.

Already knowing what their value proposition was (their content) and having the internal help to evaluate the right virtual event platform, they were able to transition within 6 weeks to successfully deliver their biggest monetized event to thousands of people in May 2020. 

According to Riley, this strategy has not changed. But this success didn’t come from simply copying and pasting what they did for in-person events. They had to adapt their whole approach.

How Forrester showcased event-led growth thinking with their hybrid event strategy

Here are some of the specific strategies they implemented throughout their six-week pivot:

  • They looked at how they can improve overall UX: They knew this was their first digital delivery experience, so they used this as an opportunity to innovate and improve overall UX
  • They asked forward-thinking questions: To learn more about their customer preferences: “When do you expect to go back to in-person events?” “What are the main reasons to attend an in-person event?” By asking these questions, they discovered that outside of content, networking and engagement was the number one driver of getting back to an in-person event
  • They reviewed their registration and onboarding processes: They asked themselves, “how can we deliver a great onboarding experience prior to the event?” because they knew the smoother the onboarding process, the more positive impact this will have at the beginning of the event
  • They looked at how they could improve engagement on the platform: Besides valuable content, another important pillar for Forrester is a sense of community. Some tactics they implemented included:
    • Matching attendee to attendee based on topics of interest, and also attendee to sponsor
    • Keeping facilitated conversations under 50 participants to encourage engagement
    • Using applications to help drive the conversations
    • Defining which topics are better facilitated by hosts, to provide the right prompts for passive participants 

As you can see, every single aspect of their hybrid event strategy was focused on improving the customer experience. 

Here are some question prompts to help you dive into an event-growth mindset and plan your hybrid events strategy:

  • How will you use events to accelerate account progression and shorten the sales cycle? Start mapping multiple events across the continuum of your customer journey. Some events will be there to educate, others to raise awareness, etc. 
  • How can you segment your customers to deliver events with nuanced information? Instead of lumping all job titles, pain points, and interests into one event, perhaps a better way is to create events targeting one particular segment.
  • What’s your theme of the event, and how does it tie into the overall business goal you’re looking to achieve? Figure out your event narrative. What would be the one key takeaway you hope attendees will take away from the event? Does this answer align with how you want your business to be positioned?

It’s clear—hybrid events are the future

A hybrid event combines the best of two worlds. It’s a combination of traditional in-person events and the advantages of virtual technology. 

In the past, it was difficult to combine the two into one event format, but that is changing as more companies and organizations are discovering the endless possibilities of blending the two into one single event experience.

The key to a successful hybrid event is to think less about what business or financial gain you’ll get from it (that part will come later) and instead, look at how you can keep your customer experience at the heart of every decision you make.

With the right planning, strategic direction, creativity, and execution, you can deliver a hybrid event that completely transforms the way your business seizes opportunities to educate, network, sell, and build relationships with your customers and prospects. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to plan your next hybrid event!

Airmeet is the undisputed king of virtual events

But don’t take it from us! See for yourself


To identify the target Audience for hybrid events, start by:

  • Analyzing past event data for insights on demographics, interests, and engagement levels
  • Survey potential attendees to understand their preferences and expectations
  • Leverage social media and online communities to gauge interest and gather feedback
  • Segment your audience based on their interaction mode preference (in-person or online) to tailor marketing efforts

To ensure inclusion and engagement for in-person and remote attendees:

  • Use interactive tools like live polls, Q&A sessions, and breakout rooms to engage both audiences
  • Stream high-quality live video for remote attendees and ensure in-person tech supports remote interaction
  • Offer virtual networking opportunities, such as 1:1 sessions between in-person and remote attendees
  • Collect during and post-event feedback to improve future hybrid experiences

By leveraging Airmeet’s real-time analytics and AirProfile, event planners can monitor attendee engagement, interests, and behaviors, allowing them to pinpoint potential leads based on participant activity and nurture them into a viable pipeline.

Furthermore, Airmeet’s networking functionalities, such as speed networking, virtual booths, social lounges, and fluid spaces, empower both in-person and remote attendees to foster meaningful discussions and exchange insights. With interactive features like Q&A sessions, polls, chat messages, and emoji reactions event planners can enhance attendee involvement in event sessions.

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Make your webinars 10X better with just 10 simple questions

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