Unlocking More Opportunities to Connect with Engagement Exposure

Mark Kilens
• August 10, 2022

(5 min read)

From TikTok and Instagram to email and more, there are so many channels available today.

Yet, even with all of these outlets at our disposal, it can sometimes still feel difficult to reach our audiences.

But it doesn’t have to.

More channels means more opportunities. And more opportunities means more engagement. It’s something I call Engagement Exposure, and it’s the key to unlocking higher ACV and stronger customer retention — but that’s just the beginning. 

Let’s take a look at how it works, and why it works so well.

People Don’t Connect Like They Used To

People are realizing that they don’t have to disrupt their lives to do the things they love. And if you’re a brand stuck only offering only a couple ways of connection, your customers aren’t going to wait for you to catch up.

It’s an adapt or die moment, and it’s been a long time in the making.

Your customers have spoken. And their habits have changed — big time.

It’s no hot take that COVID-19 shook up how we did things, but people have been itching for this kind of change for a long time now.

And now 2+ years after the first shut down, we’re seeing that the changes weren’t just passing trends — they’re here to stay.

In-person events are no longer the norm.

Hybrid selling and work are the new normal.

Sustainable business practices have become increasingly more important for consumers and operators.

And B2B buyers are using more channels on the regular than ever before.

Yep, the world sure looks a lot different than it did even just 2 years ago. And marketers are realizing that growing efficiently in this new world is becoming harder because of it.

49% of marketers in a recent HubSpot survey said that CAC has increased in the last year.
But again, I don’t view these changes as obstacles, or even challenges. I see them as opportunities to shift perspective and grow even more.

And here’s how.

A new way to reach your audiences easier, more often, and with more significance.

Whether it’s a new prospect or a long-term customer, people want to engage on their terms. And today, they know there’s no reason why you shouldn’t deliver.

It all starts with engagement — it’s today’s currency.

Less engagement with your brand equals lower lifetime value. But higher engagement creates something magical with your customers — higher LTV, with no ceiling.

Passive, interruptive communication isn’t going to cut it. They won’t touch that with a 10-foot pole. And why should they? Nobody wants that in their lives.

Look at your customers — what they like to do, and where and when. That’s how you’ll win.

Your customer’s changing work and lifestyle preferences should match how, where, when and what you communicate with them.

That match makes people want to engage with you. And the more engagement, the stronger the customer relationship, the higher the ACV, and the stronger your customer retention.

It’s all thanks to Engagement Exposure.

Crank up your Engagement Exposure

Higher, more meaningful engagement is directly correlated with the quantity AND the quality of your communication.

Your customers want information and messaging that checks these important boxes:

  • Flexible
  • Credible
  • Customized
  • Consistent
  • Helpful

That kind of quality connection makes people want to engage with you. And that’s a good thing.

Here’s how it works across channels.

But if you aren’t delivering high quality messaging at the right times to the right people, it can look something like this.

Here at Airmeet, we believe that today’s most successful companies should put events at the center of their growth strategy. But not just any kind of event will do. They must be event experiences — highly immersive, interactive and valuable events built around your attendees.

It’s this difference that makes the event experience more valuable. It’s not passive or a one-way livestream. It’s a chance for attendees to actually connect with each other, network, interact, ask questions, get answers. In a word — ENGAGE.

With event experiences at the center, your Engagement Exposure works like a ripple effect.

A single experience at one moment in time that contains infinite opportunities to engage during the event itself, as well as before, and long after.

Think about this for a bit…

You host an event experience. You promote it on social, and display, and email and other channels. Each touchpoint is an opportunity to engage. And that all happens before the event experience even takes place.

Then you have the engagement on the day of the event experience itself.

From there, you can take content from the experience and remix it in infinite ways and serve it back up to your audience to tap into an unlimited amount of engagement opportunities.

That’s the power of Engagement Exposure.

And the even more exciting thing is — I think we’re just scratching the surface.

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