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Unlock Seamless Event Marketing with Airmeet & HubSpot Integration

Siddharth Sharma
• April 24, 2024

(5 min read)

Event management and B2B Marketing shake hands on two metrics: Maximizing return on investment (ROI) and engagement. Airmeet, a leading platform for B2B marketers and HR leaders, has taken strides forward to assist event organizers in reaching their goals by introducing a groundbreaking 2-way integration with HubSpot.

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This integration, leveraging cutting-edge technology, is designed to streamline event marketing processes, making it easier for event organizers to drive higher engagement and convert attendees into valuable opportunities.

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The Challenge of Data Synchronization

Event organizers often grapple with the challenge of managing attendee data across multiple platforms. Manual data entry, synchronization errors, and time-consuming processes are common issues that can hinder the efficiency and effectiveness of event marketing. Airmeet’s advanced 2-way integration provides a seamless solution that integrates event management with comprehensive customer relationship management.

Why Integrate with HubSpot?

The integration of Airmeet with HubSpot is more than just a technical enhancement; it’s a strategic move to align event activities with broader marketing goals. Personalized customer journeys are crucial in today’s marketing landscape, and this integration allows organizers to tailor these journeys by leveraging detailed attendee data directly from HubSpot.

How Does It Work?

Airmeet’s integration with HubSpot automates the synchronization of registrations, attendance data, and engagement metrics. This means no more manual entries or discrepancies in data, allowing for more accurate targeting and personalized follow-ups. Event organizers can now:

  • Register users seamlessly through HubSpot.
  • Send personalized email reminders and follow-ups directly from the CRM.
  • Receive instant notifications about attendee activities, empowering sales teams to act quickly on high-potential leads.

Crafting Tailored Experiences

One of the most compelling features of this integration is the ability to craft individualized experiences for each attendee. By utilizing granular data from HubSpot, organizers can set up targeted email campaigns that guide leads through personalized funnels, significantly boosting conversion rates. Moreover, settings for these personalized interactions can be configured once and applied to future events, ensuring consistency and efficiency.

Realtime CRM Augmented Attendee Profiles: A Game-Changing Feature

A notable enhancement brought by this integration is the “Realtime CRM Augmented Attendee Profiles” feature, which allows organizers to hover over any attendee in a live event to view detailed deal data from HubSpot. This feature provides a deeper understanding of each attendee’s business potential, enabling more strategic interactions and personalized engagement.


The integration of Airmeet and HubSpot marks a pivotal development in event marketing technology. By ensuring seamless data synchronization and enabling personalized attendee experiences, Airmeet helps organizers not just meet but exceed their event marketing goals. With these advanced capabilities, event professionals can focus more on delivering exceptional events and less on the complexities of data management.

Embrace the future of event marketing with Airmeet and HubSpot – where technology meets efficiency and engagement.

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