Improve Event ROI with our all new Airmeet 360° Analytics solution

Arun Josyula
• March 4, 2022

(4 min read)

Get 360° analytics and have your finger on the pulse of the event with Airmeet.

Event analytics

Analyzing data is what leads to success, it helps you target the right customers at the right times to help you perform optimally. Any industry or any business needs data analytics to come up with better, cutting-edge solutions. Data is more valuable than ever for making right decisions at organization level.

In the past decade the event industry has gone through a lot of changes, events have made a switch to online platforms to plan and execute tasks that are much easier to do than in events offline. People also expect to get more data and details about their attendees out of their events that are easily attainable on an online platform. Event technology makes life simpler and makes time consuming, tedious work fast and efficient. One of these arduous tasks that has been reduced to a click of a button is event analytics. One place where data analytics has great potential is event analytics. Event organizers can now know exactly who and what they are dealing with and can make the right decisions to meet potential buyers or customers. Accurate and detailed data analysis in event platforms can give the organizer an insight on his/her attendees and their behavior to make their events more effective.

Event technology has made it easy to obtain accurate data that can help you make your events better! In this article I would like to emphasize on event analytics in particular, which makes dealing with so many numbers a whole lot easier and gives you well represented data that leads to successful business solutions.

Registration Analytics

A decade ago the data you would have obtained would have been restricted to just the attendee’s name, phone number, age and maybe some survey data. Through online event platforms you have so much more data to work through custom registration pages such as name, phone number, designation, organization, city, country, education and more custom fields. Organizers can see what organizations, designations and educational backgrounds attendees belong to. Also add short text, long text fields and multiple choice questions to your forms. For example, see which college and major your workshop attendees belong to in order to plan your next event or to reach out to people you aren’t seeing in your workshop.

Custom registration form
Analytics dashboard at Airmeet

With registration analytics know:

  • Traffic Demographics
  • Attendee Turnout
  • Ticket Distribution (Based on location and type of ticket)
  • Source of traffic
  • Attendee designation 
  • Attendee Industry
  • Custom field analytics

As registration forms are much more detailed it is possible to understand the attendees ideas, opinions and much more. Questions that can help your event could also be asked in order to build a directory. Also use these analytics to find out who is buying more 

Ticket analytics report generated by Airmeet
Designation analytics during event

Engagement Analytics

Engagement is vital to any event. What exactly did the attendees do during the event? Which session did the attendees spend more time in? What questions or polls did the attendees answer? What engaged the attendees the most during your event? All these questions are answered with engagement analytics.

Engagement analytics

Get detailed reports on 

  • Overall engagement 
  • Event engagement 
  • Booth engagement
  • Session engagement
  • Lounge engagement
  • Hand raises
  • Questions
  • Polls
  • Active attendees
Session Attendance

Further, get insight on engagement by recognizing the more engaging sessions of your event. See how your attendees engaged with each session and know what piqued their interest. But your most important attendees would be the ones that engaged the most, the ones that asked questions, the ones that raised their hands and sent messages. Which is why active attendees engagement analytics can give you crucial intuition.

Active attendee analytics

Know how attendees, students, product managers, engineers, doctors and more were engaged at your Job fairs, workshops, trade fairs, product launches and hackathons. Know what company booths your students were showing most interest in at your job fair. Know exactly what session the athletes were more involved in during the calisthenics workshop. Find out what feature of your product got the most attention at the product launch.

Booth active attendees


With segments, divide your audience into segments using filters and more.

  • Pre-event, send personalized, curated content to capture your segments’ interest. 
  • During a live event, Send follow ups to those attendees who did not attend day 1 and nurture them to attend the rest of the event days. Reach out to least engaged users to understand their concerns.
  • Post-Event, Identify the high prospective leads based on their event engagement. Data dump — download and export to external 3rd party apps (CRMs). Provide certificates to the most actively participated users. Create targeted marketing campaign for post event follow ups

This will help you create a marketing campaign for post event follow ups. Increase conversion rate by nurturing attendees to attend the rest of the event days. This is made easier by having Segment analytics to back you up.

Look at default segments and also create your own segments to acquire data on segments of your choice. This helps organizers get data of any segment based on any condition efficiently.

For example, in the event you hosted you would like to know what your platinum ticket holders showed interest in. With segment analytics you can quickly find data specific to platinum ticket holders. Conveniently segment your attendees to get data on a group of people of your choice.

Understanding your audience is extremely important, finding the right data about your audience and using it is key. You can also create segments among your audience based on engagement, attendance, time spent, location and registration details.

Audience tab in the Airmeet dashboard
Create new segment

Let me run you through a scenario: You host an event and after a few sessions you want to target the right audience who showed that they are interested or are on the verge of making a decision. You will want to know exactly who that is and set a custom audience for a special session for these people to seal the deal! Auto generated audience segmentation helps you do so with utmost convenience.


Data is everywhere! Every business, every store, every game or sport that you see generates a large amount of data. It is up to you to want to analyze that data and convert it into meaningful information. Having a good idea about how your event went translates to improvement and making your business grow. Learn more about Airmeet analytics.

Read more about Airmeet 360° Analytics here. Visit Airmeet and request a demo to learn more!

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