Airmeet Dispatch April 2023

• April 13, 2023

(2 min read)

We’re pumped up to share our monthly product updates for March. We have a number of exciting updates that will help you get your branding on point, make the event experience seamless for your attendees and stay up to date on event activity.

Airmeet’s Branded Event App brings in a branded and premium event experience to attendees on the go. Drive higher attendance and better quality leads by delivering a better experience from start to finish — to the app. Add a consistent branding experience to your events across all the attendee touchpoints to create an unforgettable impression.

You can list the app on both the app store and play store and name it whatever you’d like. But the customization doesn’t stop at naming — you can also personalize the description, logos, banners, background theme, and other small touches like button colors. 

In addition, the app generates a wealth of attendee details from your virtual, hybrid, and in-person events that can help you accelerate pipeline and revenue.

Set up any event with predefined event templates

It is super easy to get your events up and running on Airmeet now. Introducing event templates that come with a pre-defined agenda and schedule. Edit the details, add your creatives and you are good to go. The templates also come with a set of suggestions about the agenda to help you put together a kickass event.

Collaborating with multiple team members on Airmeet just got easier! As an account Admin, you can now customize levels of permissions for Manager and Event Executive roles to suit the team event requirements. You can define access levels for individual team members to restrict access and avoid unnecessary changes to your events. For example, you can allow only Managers to start or pause events and restrict Event Executives from doing so.

We have simplified the participant management with additional options so that you can focus on putting together an amazing event. Now you can add a single attendee, modify the details of an existing attendee or block a particular attendee on your Participants List directly. Blocking an attendee will invalidate their access link and they will not be able to enter the event. Make any change you want without hassles.

Seamless attendee registration process

Introducing a set of changes to the registration process for attendees added through a file upload or APIs or CRM imports or integrations to make it seamless for your attendees to register and attend your events. 

  • Single-click registration for invited attendees: Now organizers can invite attendees to their upcoming event and make them register with a single click by uploading attendee details and customizing the invite email.
  • Attendees directly added to the Participant List won’t have to fill out the registration form: If all the mandatory fields were added as a part of a file upload or import via integrations, the attendees would not have to fill the registration form while entering the event. They can enter the event directly through their unique access link.
  • Update to the reminder email send list: The one-hour before reminder email will now be sent to all attendees on the participant list, regardless of whether their registration status is pending or confirmed. This change will help boost event attendance.
  • Status of attendees added via CRM/API/integrations: Attendees added via integrations can now be marked as ‘Registered’ or ‘Invited’ as per the organizer’s choice.  This is currently available for Hubspot, Eventbrite, and Marketo.

Integrate Airmeet with Sendoso to boost event engagement and session attendance with unforgettable gifts. Organizers can send curated gifts to registrants and attendees at various touchpoints. Tie your account-based marketing and event strategy together to surprise your key prospects with gifting.

Allow attendees on Tables and Breakouts to mute each other

Give your attendees the ability to moderate Table and Breakout Room conversations through the option to mute other attendees’ audio and video. This option gives greater control and flexibility to attendee-led conversations. Say goodbye to background noises and empty video windows disrupting a productive discussion. 

Stay in the loop with your registration and event activity with alerts to your Slack team channel. Get notified whenever someone signs up for your event, attends a session, visits a booth, responds to a poll, or asks a question. Select a channel on which you would like to be notified for each of the attendee activities. 

Want to see Airmeet in action and learn all the ways you can accelerate your pipeline through events? Sign up for a group demo session with our experts.

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