Snippet of a virtual events platform

5 important questions every event marketer should be asking

Aditi Verma
• March 21, 2024

(10 min read)

Are you an event marketer attempting to navigate the ever-changing virtual event landscape? The event marketing business is expected to grow to $36.31 billion by 2026 and 90% of event organizers expect a transition to remote or hybrid events within the next two years. The need to invest in event marketing is higher now than it has ever been – But what’s also important is knowing how to go about it and designing the right approach for your company’s exact requirements.

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5 important questions every event marketer should be asking

Read on to understand five of the most important questions you need to address, before investing in event marketing and a virtual event platform to power your event strategy. 

Let’s now get to the five most important questions every event marketer needs to be asking.

#1. What are some unexpected benefits of investing in virtual events? 

some unexpected benefits of investing in virtual events
  • Global reach: Virtual events make it possible for people from all over the world to attend, which is not an option with traditional in-person events. This allows you to reach a much wider audience and promote your brand to a global market. 

  • Cost-effectiveness: Virtual events are typically a lot more budget-friendly to host when compared to traditional in-person events. You don’t have to worry about venue rental, catering, travel, and other associated costs.

  • Increased engagement: Virtual events can be more engaging than live events. This is because they include several interactive elements, like surveys, Q&A sessions, and breakout rooms.

  • Audience Insights: Virtual events enable businesses to gather real-time feedback and insights from attendees, informing future marketing strategies and product development.

  • Data-driven insights:– Virtual events offer a wealth of data that can be used to improve your marketing efforts. Attendee engagement, session popularity, and lead generation are some of the virtual event metrics you can track, measure, and improve.

  • Sustainability: Virtual events are less environmentally damaging than traditional in-person gatherings. They do not require individuals to travel, save on electricity, reduce paper consumption, etc., all of which help keep carbon emissions in check.
Virtual events are less environmentally damaging than traditional in-person gatherings
  • Flexibility: Because virtual events take place online, you have a lot of flexibility in how you broadcast your event. To participate in or host a virtual event, all you need is an Internet connection and a device to access the Internet. Most platforms are compatible with desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, or tablets.

  • Extended shelf life: One of the advantages of hosting online events is that they do not have to be live. It can be pre-recorded and accessed many times in various formats. This means you can extend the shelf life of your online event for as long as you want.

  • Increased sales: These results might take a little longer to realize, but with effective marketing and carefully crafted follow ups, increased sales are definite. Send out exclusive content, create engaging posts for social media to demonstrate your authority on the subject, and make them remember your event!

  • Partner Collaboration: Virtual events provide opportunities for collaboration with partners, sponsors, and industry influencers, expanding reach and engagement.

  • Innovation: Virtual event technology continues to evolve, offering new opportunities for creativity, customization, and immersive experiences that can differentiate businesses from competitors.

  • Brand Exposure: Virtual events provide opportunities for branding and sponsorships, increasing visibility and brand awareness among attendees.

  • Future-proofing: Virtual event marketing allows businesses to future-proof their marketing strategies by embracing digital technologies and adapting to evolving consumer preferences.

  • Continuous learning: Virtual events offer opportunities for continuous learning and professional development through educational sessions and workshops.

#2. What are some key features of a virtual event platform that I shouldn’t overlook?

Virtual event platforms offer a complete package comprising features that can facilitate seamless execution of events, end-to-end. . Users prefer transactions that happen at the click of a button. Therefore, processes such as event registrations, ticket access, cancellations, feedback, payments, troubleshooting, etc. must become an inherent part of such platforms. 

1. Analytics and the reporting dashboard

Analytics give useful information on attendee behavior, such as session attendance, interaction rates, and content engagement. A powerful reporting dashboard enables you to analyze metrics in real time and make data-driven choices to improve future events. These data points help you obtain a better knowledge of your audience, discover areas for development, and ultimately improve the overall event experience.

2.Live streaming and content play 

Broadcasting is the backbone of any virtual event. There are different needs for live video support, such as one-to-one live video, group video, large-scale broadcasts, etc. Besides that, playing pre-recorded video or audio during any event helps fill any unforeseen gaps.

3. User engagement

A platform must create certain hooks to leave a lasting impression on end-users. Such engagements can be established by offering a content subscription strategy  and incentivizing the audience with  rewards, spot recognition, e-shopping coupons, contests, auctions, group pictures, etc. User engagement plays an important role in building a platform that piques interest. 

4. Personalization with AI

The way businesses interact with customers has now undergone a paradigm shift. With the advent of AI-powered technologies, personalization has become a cake walk. Showing users their preferred content paves the way to attracting many more to the platform. Customer assistance and feedback via call/email/chat are the basics that every platform must have. 

5. Branding & Customization

The customization features of the virtual event platform allow organizers to tailor it to meet the specific needs of their event. From layout and design to content presentation, the customization capabilities of the platform enhance the user experience. These virtual event platform features also empower users to align with their unique goals and the branding efforts of the event.

#3. What role does pricing play while choosing the right virtual event platform?

What role does pricing play while choosing the right virtual event platform

One of the biggest pros of investing in a virtual events platform is that many of them provide flexible pricing plans. This has gained immense popularity among organizations since it can be tailored to specific demands and budgets. 

These pricing structures often allow organizations to pay just for the capabilities and services they use, making them an affordable solution to host events of any size. As a result, when selecting the right platform, businesses frequently analyze the flexibility of pricing plans to guarantee that they optimize their expenditure and maximize the value they obtain.

Here are some ways in which flexible pricing plans impact the choice of event platforms for businesses:

  1. Budget optimization: Flexible pricing options allow businesses to spend their event money more efficiently by selecting only the products and services that are critical to their unique needs. This helps companies avoid paying for superfluous frills while focusing their money on the event’s most valuable features.

  2. Scalability: Enterprises frequently hold events of various sizes, ranging from local meetings to big conferences. Flexible pricing plans enable businesses to quickly scale up or down according to the size and complexity of each event. This scalability means that businesses may adjust for changes in attendance, venue needs, and other factors without incurring additional expenditures or being trapped in restrictive price structures.

  3. Customization: When it comes to event management, each organization has its own set of requirements and preferences. Flexible pricing options allow businesses to tailor their package to their exact needs, whether that means adding more features, integrating with third-party tools, or receiving specialized assistance. This amount of customization means that organizations can design their event platform to fit their branding, process, and goals.

  4. Risk mitigation: Event platforms assist organizations reduce the risk of holding events by providing various pricing alternatives. Businesses may try out new features and services without committing to long-term contracts or significant upfront fees. This flexibility enables them to respond to changing conditions, such as unanticipated attendance changes or budget restrictions, without suffering financial penalties or losing access to critical resources.

  5. Transparency and control: Flexible pricing models provide businesses with better visibility and control over their event costs. Clear price levels and adjustable choices allow organizations to simply analyze their expenditures and make educated decisions about which capabilities to emphasize. This transparency builds confidence between businesses and event platforms, ensuring that all sides understand expenses and expectations.

#4. How are virtual events different from hybrid events?

How are virtual events different from hybrid events
  1. Audience Engagement: In virtual events, digital technologies like chat features, surveys, Q&A sessions, and virtual networking possibilities are frequently used to engage attendees.

    Hybrid events, on the other hand, incorporate both physical and virtual components, allowing for a mix of in-person and online encounters. This may include live streaming, interactive workshops, and social media integration to link remote and on-site guests.

  2. Logistics and Planning: When planning a virtual event, you must consider factors such as selecting the correct platform, assuring technical assistance, and handling online registrations and access.

    Additional preparations for hybrid events include venue selection, on-site technology setup, food, transportation, and lodging accommodations for in-person guests.

  3. Content Delivery: Virtual and hybrid events may use different content delivery formats. Virtual events frequently include pre-recorded presentations, live broadcasts, and on-demand sessions that are accessible online.

    Hybrid events, on the other hand, may feature a combination of live presentations, workshops, panel discussions, and virtual content that can be accessed remotely.

  4. Brand Visibility: Brand visibility techniques might change across virtual and hybrid events. Virtual events provide chances for digital branding, sponsorship, virtual booths, and targeted online advertising.

    Hybrid events provide physical brand presence through signage, branded materials, exhibition booths, and product demos, as well as virtual branding aspects.

  5. Audience Reach: Virtual events have the ability to reach a larger audience since participants may participate remotely from any location with an internet connection.

    Hybrid events have the flexibility to cater to both local and remote audiences, allowing you to engage with a wider population while still accommodating individuals who prefer in-person interactions.

  6. Networking Opportunities: Networking dynamics differ between virtual and hybrid events. Virtual events frequently use digital networking platforms, matchmaking algorithms, and virtual breakout sessions to help attendees engage with one another.

    Hybrid events include face-to-face networking opportunities during on-site workshops, receptions, and social gatherings, which may lead to more meaningful interactions and relationship-building.

#5. How do I create an effective Virtual Event Marketing plan?

How do I create an effective Virtual Event Marketing plan

It’s crucial to keep in mind that you don’t have to fund every single channel. Focus on the platforms and strategies that are best suited for your event and target audience rather than trying to advertise everywhere. Building sincere connections and creating unforgettable experiences are, after all, the cornerstones of a successful event marketing strategy.

Need help figuring out where to begin? Here’s an overview of the steps you must take to arrive at your destination:

1. Set specific objectives.

What is the goal? Do you want to increase brand exposure, engage attendees, or sell a certain amount of tickets? Define your vision of success.

2.  Establish a budget for your expenditures.

Remember, every great event requires a budget. Determine how much you’re willing to spend on marketing to achieve the desired results. This will help guide your future decisions.

3. Build your brand and voice.

Leave a lasting impression on your audience. Personalize the colors, typefaces, and tones for your event.

4. Choose your tools.

There are a variety of event marketing tools available, including email marketing platforms and social schedulers. Make sure they are consistent with your strategies.

5. Define your target audience.

Who are you talking to? Understanding your audience’s tastes, demographics, and behaviors will help you personalize your message.

6. Identify ways to reach your audience.

Now, where do these people hang out? Is this Instagram? LinkedIn? Email? Direct your efforts where they will be most visible and appreciated.

7. Create an event marketing calendar.

Plan out important dates. When are you planning to commence your public relations campaign? Send your first email. Having a timeline keeps everything on track.

8. Create your marketing material.

Brochures, banners, and digital ads. Preparing these in advance enables a consistent and timely launch.


Virtual event marketing involves using promotional strategies to get people to an event that is taking place online. This includes formats like webinars, virtual conferences, or online expos or even virtual L&D training sessions. Virtual event marketing can encompass a variety of methods and tools for increasing attendance and participation, ranging from using social media and email to creating more tailored content.

The interactive aspects of virtual event platforms contribute to a company’s marketing efforts by engaging participants in real time, promoting meaningful conversations, facilitating networking possibilities, and offering important insights for targeted marketing campaigns.

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Enterprises may promote virtual events on social media by crafting engaging posts with eye-catching imagery, using relevant hashtags, cooperating with influencers or industry partners, running targeted advertisements, and encouraging audience participation through competitions or giveaways.

Live polls in virtual or digital events increase engagement, encourage real-time involvement, collect rapid feedback, and adjust material to participants’ choices, resulting in a more dynamic and engaging experience.

An event marketing approach for businesses may greatly increase brand awareness, engagement, and customer loyalty by allowing for direct interaction, developing relationships, and delivering memorable experiences for the intended audience.

The efficacy of virtual events vs. in-person events for business is determined by a variety of factors, including objectives, audience preferences, and practical concerns. Both forms have distinct advantages and downsides. In-person events frequently provide stronger personal interactions and networking possibilities, but virtual events offer more reach, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility. Finally, each efficacy is determined by how well it aligns with the enterprise’s unique aims and target audience.

Virtual events assist businesses in reaching their target audience by providing a convenient platform for engagement, eliminating geographic barriers, allowing for flexible attendance, and enabling interactive experiences through a variety of digital tools such as live chats, Q&A sessions, polls, and networking opportunities.

Enterprises should contain important elements such as the event name, date, time, venue (physical or virtual), agenda/schedule, registration information, speakers or performers, sponsors/partners, and any pertinent contact information or links for additional queries.

An individual engagement score ranks virtual event attendees based on their participation, interaction, and overall engagement with the event, its content, and activities, allowing organizers to prioritize and identify the most active and engaged participants.

Individual engagement ratings may be generated from virtual events by recording participants’ interactions, such as session attendance, poll participation, Q&A involvement, chat activity, and resource downloads. Analyzing these data points enables organizers to better understand each attendee’s degree of participation and interest, allowing for more targeted follow-up and content recommendations.

In-depth data collection of attendees’ actions during virtual events gives insight into their participation, preferences, and habits. This information enables event organizers to customize future events to attendee demands, enhance marketing methods, and maximize event content and experiences for optimum effect.

Yes, virtual event promotions may help organizations enhance their event marketing by raising awareness, boosting enthusiasm, and increasing attendance at the virtual event. They provide a platform for promoting event highlights, presenters, subjects, and unique features, all of which can attract participants and add to the event’s overall success.

Businesses can optimize event registration pages for event marketing by using clear and compelling copy that emphasizes the benefits of participation, visually appealing graphics or videos to capture attention, and a simple registration form with clear call-to-action buttons. To attract sign-ups, consider offering incentives such as pre-order discounts or unique content. Additionally, including social evidence via testimonials or participant ratings will help develop confidence with future registrants.

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