5 common mistakes to avoid while hosting healthcare webinars

Aditi Verma
• May 6, 2024

(10 min read)

Webinars have been a reliable way for companies across industries to share knowledge, attract new consumers, and even improve internal training and processes. Especially in the healthcare sector, that has played a transformative role in promoting awareness, encouraging discussions, and fostering collaboration. However, there are still healthcare companies that are on the fence when it comes to investing in webinars.

In this blog, we’ll cover common mistakes in healthcare webinars, solutions to address them, benefits, and steps for hosting successful healthcare webinars.

5 common mistakes made by event organizers while organizing healthcare webinars & how to resolve them

1. Ignoring Security, Privacy, and Compliance Regulations

In the healthcare webinar landscape, overlooking security, privacy, and compliance regulations can be a critical mistake. Given the sensitivity of patient data and the importance of confidentiality, it’s imperative that organizers prioritize these aspects. 

Opting for webinar platforms that adhere to the highest security standards and comply with healthcare data privacy regulations is essential. This ensures that all attendee data, discussions, and communications during the webinar are encrypted and secure, mitigating the risk of security breaches. 

How Airmeet can help: 

Airmeet is certified for ISO 27001:2013 security standards and holds SOC 2 Type 2 attestation, guaranteeing strong security measures including cloud, network, and application security, as well as DOS and DDOS mitigation, along with other essential security protocols

For audio/video communication, Airmeet employs WebRTC, encrypting all transmitted data using AES and SRTP. With enterprise-grade security, robust data protection, encryption, and compliance adherence, Airmeet ensures the safety of sensitive webinar data and critical patient information.

2. Lacking Sufficient Webinar Data  

By collecting and analyzing data effectively, healthcare companies gain valuable insights into audience behavior, content effectiveness, and platform performance. 

However, without comprehensive analytics, organizers often struggle to analyze and understand attendee engagement, preferences, and feedback. This makes it difficult for healthcare companies to identify areas for improvement or capitalize on successful strategies for future events.

How Airmeet can help: 

Airmeet offers comprehensive analytics and reporting, providing detailed insights into webinar activity. Event organizers can track and monitor webinar data in real-time, empowering healthcare companies to optimize performance and analyze participant engagement effectively. By leveraging this data, they can identify areas for improvement and make informed, data-driven decisions for their future webinars.

3. Absence of Integrated Systems and Adequate Tools

The absence of integrated systems and adequate tools within the webinar platform creates inefficiencies and limitations for healthcare companies and their event organizers. Without seamless integration and robust tools, tasks such as the transfer of data between systems, participant management, content sharing, and incorporating interactive features become challenging. This oversight can hinder the smooth execution of healthcare webinars, interrupt the overall workflow, and diminish the attendee’s webinar experience. 

How Airmeet can help: 

Airmeet offers healthcare companies integration with over 30 tools, including CRM, event engagement, marketing, polls & surveys, registration & ticketing, and others. These API integrations enable seamless connection of their systems with Airmeet, facilitating data transfer, integrating interactive features, streamlining workflows, and ensuring a seamless webinar experience.

4. Overwhelming Content and Lack of Engagement

Delivering an excessive amount of information within a limited timeframe can overwhelm participants, hindering their ability to grasp crucial medical insights. To prevent this, organizers should prioritize concise, relevant content. For longer sessions, consider dividing them into shorter segments, with regular breaks in between.

Passive webinars with one-way communication often lack participant engagement. Incorporating interactive elements like polls, quizzes, live Q&A sessions, and breakout discussions fosters active involvement. 

This promotes two-way communication by facilitating meaningful interaction between healthcare professionals/speakers and attendees and ensuring  sustained engagement throughout the webinar.

How Airmeet can help: 

With Airmeet, healthcare companies can effectively resolve the challenges of overwhelming content and a lack of engagement during webinars. Event organizers can schedule multiple non-parallel sessions for the same day, allowing for the delivery of concise sessions or the division of lengthy ones into manageable parts, ensuring attendees do not feel rushed or overwhelmed. They can also incorporate breaks between sessions to provide attendees and speakers with moments to recharge, before moving on to the next session.

Airmeet offers a variety of interactive features that empowers event organizers to boost engagement during webinars. They can utilize tools like breakout rooms, chat, raise hands, polls, Q&A, speed networking, and more to encourage two-way communication and facilitate meaningful discussions among attendees and healthcare professionals.

5. Delayed Follow-Up and Support

After a webinar, attendees often need further information, resources, or support, which might not be readily available. Failing to provide comprehensive follow-up resources at the right time, such as supplementary reading materials, access to recorded sessions for review, or channels for posing further inquiries, can undermine the webinar’s effectiveness. 

Many healthcare webinars overlook structured programs or platforms for sustained interaction, peer support groups, or forums for ongoing discussions. Implementing these measures can help maintain the interest and engagement generated during the webinar, ensuring a lasting impact.

How Airmeet can help: 

With Airmeet, healthcare organizations can effectively plan their post-webinar engagement efforts and support attendees by:

  • Utilizing Airmeet’s Social Lounge to connect attendees with expert teams/speakers/hosts outside of live sessions, addressing their queries promptly
  • Conducting feedback surveys to assess attendee experiences and interests
  • Categorizing attendees/patients based on their feedback and providing personalized support or consultations as required.

Event organizers can also distribute session recordings and downloadable materials to attendees post-webinar, enabling them to revisit sessions they missed or review content for better comprehension.

Benefits of investing in webinars for Healthcare companies

Organizing webinars or conferences on complex topics not only promotes awareness and knowledge building but also saves both time and money. Healthcare professionals can conduct online exchange sessions on the prevention of illnesses or diseases, as well as “live events” to communicate the use of a certain drug in treating certain conditions or symptoms. 

Today, patients are becoming more ‘internet aware’ and conducting a webinar makes it easy to dispel myths, address misinformation, and educate them. By addressing audience concerns through your expertise, you enhance your standing as a healthcare professional, enriching your portfolio and fostering stronger bonds within the professional community.

Webinars give you the power to do a lot more than just this, though. Let us understand more about the benefits of hosting webinars for healthcare professionals and companies.

1. Reach a larger audience

Healthcare organizations can reach more individuals through healthcare webinars than through in-person events. This is because participants are equipped to join from anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating the need for travel. This simplifies participation for healthcare professionals, providers, patients, and the general public. 

2. Cost-efficient 

When holding an in-person event, there are several overhead expenditures that one may not anticipate during the preparation stage. Travel, lodging, catering, and venue fees can lead to expenses on both sides – hosts and attendees. 

Webinars involve much less resources and budget when compared to in-person meetings because they are held online, requiring participants to only have a device and a stable internet connection. Webinars hosted on Airmeet can also be recorded and eventually converted into a video asset for your audience, boosting your webinar’s ROI.

3. Easy and Efficient Networking

Using webinars for professional networking allows healthcare professionals to discuss and communicate important issues. Webinars eliminate geographical constraints, allowing experts from all over the world to connect. They also provide interoperability, allowing healthcare data to be freely shared and used in other fields. This means you may build a unique ecosystem of healthcare experts capable of improving the quality of assistance in a variety of circumstances.

4 simple steps to organize impactful healthcare webinars

If you are looking to get started with hosting regular healthcare webinars, here’s a step-by-step guide to building an effective healthcare webinar and building your credibility.

Step 1: Define your target audience and topic

Identify who you wish to target with your webinars, and narrow it down as much as possible. Choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to your target audience. It is the first step towards organizing successful webinars for healthcare professionals. 

Think about the challenges that your audience may face as well as their interests, while choosing a topic. Possible healthcare webinar themes include new medical treatments, advances in patient care, and industry regulatory changes. 

Step 2 :- Choose the right webinar platform

Once you’ve identified your target audience and agreed on a topic, you need to select the ideal platform for conducting your healthcare webinar. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each platform and select the one that best meets your requirements. 

Step 3: Create engaging and educational content

If you want your healthcare webinars to be successful, you must keep your audience interested and engaged. Slides, infographics, images, and videos are some types of visual aids. Include any relevant facts, case studies, or examples that will help attendees understand your ideas and retain the information. 

To be effective, a healthcare webinar must be interactive. You can create a webinar that not only informs but also engages your audience by using interactive polls and surveys, encouraging live Q&A, using visual aids, including relevant stories and examples, providing opportunities for involvement, and following up with registrants. 

Step – 4 Collect Feedback

To improve future healthcare webinars, collect participant feedback after the webinar. You may request feedback from participants via email or social media, or conduct a post-webinar survey to understand their experience. You can utilize this feedback to improve the quality of your content and identify areas where your webinar experience could be improved.

Following that, track key metrics such as attendance, engagement, and conversion rates to determine the webinar’s success. Make data-driven decisions for future webinars by identifying your webinar’s strengths and weaknesses.


Webinars have yet to be fully explored and leveraged by the healthcare industry. When done using the right strategies, it can be a great source for building brand awareness, creating credibility, and promoting knowledge. Investing in the right webinar platform can help you minimize a lot of hassles and boost ROI. 

Airmeet is one of the few webinar platforms that is trusted by several enterprises the world over, to power their webinars, virtual events, and online conferences. Webinars with Airmeet enable healthcare professionals to collaborate with known professionals in the medical and health-tech fields, and also build credibility with their audiences. 

With its tailored webinar-suited solutions, engagement boosting capabilities, powerful analytics, and world-class security compliance, Airmeet has emerged as one of the most reliable webinar platforms, offering a unified solution for leading healthcare companies

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