Virtual Event Ticket Price Calculator

There’s an adage for event pricing strategy:

When the event sells out in minutes, know it’s time to raise ticket prices.

But virtual event pricing is based more on the value you’ll be providing to your attendees — rich knowledge content, networking opportunities, ease of attending, etc — rather than quicker sale of tickets and it is super easy to structure.

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What is Virtual Events Ticket Price Calculator and why should you use it?

Virtual Events Ticket Price Calculator

What Is Virtual Events Ticket Price Calculator?

The Virtual Events Ticket Price Calculator is a value-based pricing tool that will help you find the right price for your event tickets in a few minutes. It is based on a well-structured algorithm that leverages essential factors required to calculate the perfect pricing point for your event, in comparison to your competitors.

Why Should You Use Virtual Events Ticket Price Calculator?

Event pricing is critical to an event’s success and revenue. An effective event pricing strategy and proper pricing will increase event ticket sales; while events with tickets priced too low will struggle to turn a profit and/or cover expenses. In addition to ticket sales, event pricing influences attendees’ expectations, target market, and event budgets.

This virtual Events Ticket Price Calculator is all you need to create a stellar pricing point for your next event and increase the ROI of your organization. 

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Virtual Events Ticket Price Calculator

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Platform Cost per month:

Expected Signups:

Airmeet: US $

Remo: US $

Zoom: US $

Webinar Ninja: US $

Gotomeeting: US $

LiveWebinar: US $

Click Meeting: US $

Demio: US $

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Use Virtual Events Ticket Price Calculator
Value Of Virtual Events Ticket Price Calculator

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Value of Virtual Events Ticket Price Calculator

With a potential for global distribution, easier access to high-quality speakers regardless of location, cost effectiveness and sustainability — virtual events are not only the present but the future. According to reports, by 2021 web conferencing will account for over 80% of all internet traffic.

That’s why it is imperative to be a part of the future movement and increase your revenue with value proposition and pricing. 

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Psychology of Pricing

There’s a lot that goes into getting the price right for your event tickets. We talked about providing some value to your attendees above, now let’s take a look at some BONUS tips on the psychology behind finding the right price. What else will make them purchase more quickly? 

Offer something no one else does

Whether that is big-name speakers, access to a private backstage area, or a social lounge to network with fellow attendees. The more unique your offering, the greater number of people will want to be there.

Build up the unveil

Make announcing the agenda, speakers, and/or entertainment a big deal. Tease your audience and build it up for a major announcement or two.

Become known as THE something

If you become the pre-eminent whatever in your industry or niche, attendees will be “forced” to come to your event or miss out.

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Note: The recommended values are in good faith and are solely meant for generic, informative purposes. We do not guarantee the accuracy of this information. Please note that other external factors may affect or falsify the recommendations. For accurate results, consult a professional.

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