Ep 1: Pre-empting the Pitfalls of Scaling a Young Community

by Airmeet

In the first episode, Joe Glover makes honest recollections of how he bounced back from setbacks while building The Marketing Meetup, a global community of 27000+ marketers.

Community is increasingly viewed from a strategic lens. Yet, Community is primarily abstract. It’s what brings out a warm and fuzzy feeling of belonging, connection, and trust.

Community-gritty is a virtual event series by Airmeet; an attempt to demystify the interplay between the abstract and the concrete.

How can you sustain authenticity and meaning within your community while also carefully structuring metrics and outcomes? How can you ask the hard questions of what the community can do for your business and also what you can do for your community?

Over the next three months, we are going to be unpacking lessons from a diverse set of community leaders, stories behind the communities they’ve helped build, and revelations on what keeps tugging their hearts back to community building.

In the first episode, we’ve got John Glover sharing what went wrong while building The Marketing Meetup, a global community of 27000+ marketers, and how he bounced back. Save a seat so that you can dodge the pitfalls and wouldn’t have to touch it with a ten-foot pole.

P.S. You only need to sign up once to access all the events in this series. :smiley:

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