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Segmenting Your Virtual B2B Audience for More Targeted Messaging

Anshika Pattnaik
• June 6, 2024

(5 min read)

As B2B event marketers, identifying, attracting and engaging new customers can often feel overwhelming – many a time leaving one clueless about what’s next and what more to do! Sorting through endless data to understand what strategies work can be equally challenging. Add to it the constantly fluctuating market conditions and ever-evolving consumer demands and preferences – it isn’t always as straightforward as one might assume.

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Segmenting Your Virtual B2B Audience for More Targeted Messaging

But what if there were ways to skillfully tackle this, without spending all of your marketing budget! In our experience, one of the smarter ways to plan your campaigns and go-to-market (GTM) strategies that guarantees results is B2B market segmentation.

Simply put, B2B market segmentation or audience segmentation involves categorizing your market into segments with similar characteristics or patterns, based on which you can create precise and impactful campaigns. This approach helps you target specific groups effectively, ensuring your marketing efforts are both strategic and successful.

In this guide, we  explore the nuances of virtual audience segmentations in the B2B marketing context, and provide you with actionable steps so you can ace your messaging game for maximum impact. 

Importance of Audience Segmentation

Segmenting your audience allows you to tailor your communications and marketing strategies to meet the specific needs of each group. This focused approach, can lead to:

  • Increased engagement: Customized content makes your marketing initiatives more relevant to your audience’s interests and needs, thereby, increasing your chances of better and fruitful engagement!
  • Higher conversion rates: Targeted messaging tends to have a higher likelihood of converting prospects into customers.
  • Efficient use of marketing resources: By focusing on segmented groups, businesses can allocate their resources More effectively and increase Return on Investment.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: By addressing the specific needs of each segment companies can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty,

Now that we have a basic understanding of why segmenting your virtual B2B audience is crucial to your marketing efforts, let’s dig a little deeper and take a closer look at the many ways in which audience segmentation works. 

Importance of Audience Segmentation

Methods of Segmenting Your Virtual Audience

When it comes to B2B event marketing, your virtual event platform can prove vital in helping you segment your audiences, enabling you to enhance engagement and personalization during virtual events. Here are some key methods to segment virtual audiences:

1. Demographic Segmentation

Demographic segmentation involves dividing your audience based on their locations or regions. This method allows you to tailor your event content and marketing efforts to cater to region-specific audiences. 

If you are hosting a virtual conference on digital marketing, you could segment attendees into location-based groups to ensure a personalized approach and offer an impactful event experience for audiences across different regions. 

2. Behavioral Segmentation

Behavioral segmentation focuses on dividing your audience based on their past interactions and behaviors. This includes data such as previous event attendance, engagement levels, and participation in specific activities. By analyzing this information, you can identify high-intent attendees and tailor your engagement strategies accordingly.

For Example, If data shows that certain attendees frequently participate in Q&A sessions and networking lounges, you can offer them exclusive access to VIP sessions or advanced networking opportunities.

3. Interest-Based Segmentation

Interest-based segmentation involves categorizing your audience based on their interests and preferences. This can be determined through pre-event surveys, registration forms, or analyzing their activity on your event platform. By understanding what topics or activities your attendees are most interested in, you can design sessions and experiences that align with their preferences.

For instance, if a significant number of attendees indicate an interest in social media marketing, you can organize dedicated sessions or panel discussions on that topic, ensuring a higher level of engagement and satisfaction.

4. Engagement Level Segmentation

Engagement level segmentation identifies and segments attendees based on their engagement during the event. This includes participation in polls, chats, Q&A sessions, and other interactive elements. By monitoring engagement levels, you can personalize follow-ups and nurture leads more effectively.

In a scenario where certain attendees actively participate in discussions and networking sessions, you can segment them as a group and invite them to post-event webinars or give them access to premium content, while less engaged attendees might receive additional resources to spark their interest.

B2B Virtual Audience Segmentation Made Easy on Airmeet

1. Pre-Event Surveys and Registration Data

Collecting detailed information during the registration process can help you segment your audience even before the event begins. Ask questions about attendees’ interests, job roles, and what they hope to gain from the event. This data will allow you to create tailored content and engagement strategies for different segments.

2. Real-Time Engagement Monitoring

During the event, use Airmeet’s analytics tools to monitor real-time engagement. Track metrics such as session attendance, participation in polls, and activity in networking lounges. This data can help you identify which segments are most engaged and tailor your follow-up communications accordingly.

3. Post-Event Surveys and Feedback

After the event, gather feedback from attendees to understand their experiences and preferences. Use this information to refine your segmentation strategies for future events. For example, if attendees from a particular industry found certain sessions highly valuable, you can focus on providing more content relevant to that industry in future events.

Post-Event Surveys and Feedback

Simplifying Audience Segmentation: A step-by-step approach for beginners

Successfully implementing audience segmentation requires a structured approach. Here’s how you can do it effectively, if you’re a beginner looking for a step-by-step process. :

  • Data Collection and Analysis: Collect comprehensive data through registration forms, digital footprints, and interaction metrics. Use your virtual event platform’s analytics tools for more data and trends that will inform your segmentation strategy.
  • Create Personas: Based on the data collected, create detailed personas for each segment. Personas should include not only demographic and professional attributes but also goals, challenges, and behavioral traits. These personas will serve as models for tailoring your communications.
  • Tailored Content Creation: Develop content that addresses the specific concerns and interests of each segment. Whether it’s through personalized emails, segmented webinars, or targeted advertising, ensure that the content speaks directly to the persona’s needs and preferences.
  • Continuous Feedback and Adaptation: Segmentation is not a set-it-and-forget-it process. Continually solicit feedback through surveys and monitor engagement levels to refine your segments and adapt your strategies as necessary.
Simplifying Audience Segmentation A step-by-step approach for beginners

Event marketing has transformed into a thriving channel for most B2B companies. However, it pays to understand that in a data-obsessed world, sometimes it is the basics that bring in maximum impact – and this is true of audience segmentation too. 

Leverage quality data from reliable sources and segment your audiences based entirely on this data. Remember that the cleaner the data, the better the segmentation, and consequently, the higher the chances of striking gold with your messaging and outreach campaigns. 

Also, never compromise on data compliance protocols and data privacy policies. If you are targeting global audiences, make sure that any data that you leverage complies with the policies of that geography. 

Follow these simple best practices mentioned in this blog, and you’ll be well on your way to expanding your sales funnel as well as your bottomline. 


By leveraging data collected by a solid virtual events platform and engaging with virtual audiences during events, B2B marketers can gain access to proprietary data and customer insights that inform future marketing strategies and product developments.

Social media is crucial for promoting B2B events and engaging with attendees in real-time, providing valuable insights through social listening and interaction analysis.

Virtual events allow marketers to conduct polls, surveys, and Q&A sessions that provide quantitative and qualitative research data directly from the target audience.

Knowing the customer journey helps tailor the event content and interaction points to better meet customer needs and enhance the overall experience.

Experiential content in virtual events engages attendees more deeply, fostering a memorable brand experience that aligns with the B2B brand’s messaging and values.

Virtual events can complement traditional focus groups by reaching a broader and more diverse audience, making it easier to collect scalable and actionable insights.

Marketers should continuously refine their strategies based on feedback and engagement metrics from virtual events to better target potential clients and meet their specific needs.

Analyzing social interactions and feedback during virtual events can reveal preferences and pain points that guide new product development and improve existing offerings.

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