How to Make Decisions on What Training/Learning Solutions are Important for a Team?

Akshay Birje
• January 9, 2024

(10 min read)

In today’s changing world, teams always deal with various challenges, so having a training or learning session for them would be beneficial anytime. But deciding which education and training solution to choose becomes a bit tough.

If the training or learning program is ineffective, team members will become disappointed and face difficulties in their work. But, this issue can be solved by organizing instructive training sessions.  Let’s see how to choose which learning/training solutions are important for a team.

What is Team Training?

Team training is a structured learning session that enables teams to learn specific knowledge and skills. It is important as it enhances collaboration improves required skills and aligns teams with common goals. 

This learning program is specifically designed for groups of people to improve the overall performance of team members. The primary goal of the training is to make the team better at particular skills and abilities. 

Generally, the training includes targeted learning sessions like webinars and workshops that assist the team in improving their communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

What are the Benefits of Team Training?

Team training offers numerous benefits within the organization. Firstly, it improves improved communication and collaboration among team members. 

As you know teamwork gets the work done faster as compared to working individually. 

Team training also helps team members acquire new skills and knowledge that are required for their current position. It builds confidence in handling a variety of tasks simultaneously. 

Furthermore, it enhances employee morale and job satisfaction. When individuals collaborate with multiple skill sets, they come up with amazing and creative solutions.

Overall, investing in team training improves individual talents and develops a productive and motivated work environment within the company. 

The following team training currently happening in the organization

  • Technical Skills Training
  • Soft Skills Training
  • Leadership Training
  • On-the-Job Training
  • Cross-Functional Training
  • Onboarding Training
  • Problem-Solving Training
  • Sales and Customer Service Training

How to Decide Team Training/Learning Solutions?

Priority OrderRecommendation for learning


The recommendation should be based on the priority order mentioned on LHS.


If senior leaders think of something else and team needs come out to be different then former should be given priority.

Seek Senior Advice 
Identity team needs 
Prioritize Critical Skills 
Think Long-Term 
Check Training/Learning Styles 

Deciding the best team training/learning solution can be tricky, but you can find it easy with the right approach. A well-designed training program becomes crucial to the growth and success of a team. Here are some points that will guide you to make well-informed decisions. 

  • Identify Team Needs: The first step is identifying the specific requirements of the teams. It makes sure that a well-designed training program is right for them and will truly help them become proficient in their expertise.

    Check their current expertise & abilities and find areas where they need improvement. If you don’t identify the team’s needs, their performance may drop & struggle with their role. Plus, the training program will look irrelevant or ineffective.

    For example, in the customer service sector, if a company holds an ordinary training program without understanding what potential challenges the customer support team is facing, the training may not address the actual issues. If the team’s primary struggle is handling complex technical inquiries, a training program should be focused on solving technical-related queries instead of general communication skills.

    Discover each one’s strengths & weaknesses as well as specific challenges they are facing. This technique will help in understanding the team’s talent gaps.

    Once you know what talent or knowledge is necessary to make the individual perfect at their role, You can efficiently design a training program that will meet the needs and expectations of your team.

    For example, in the healthcare sector, a team of nurses facing challenges in a hospital to communicate with each other during emergencies, we can see that they need support or training to communicate and coordinate well with teammates in such a critical situation. In this case, training may include practicing similar situations to learn how to communicate well in an emergency.

    Similarly, in the technology sector, a software development company will assess the skill, knowledge, and proficiency levels of its team members. Before organizing a training program, they will carefully analyze their technology & programming knowledge and their way of handling the projects. By understanding team needs, they can design a training program that will address their problem and meet goals. 

  • Seek Senior Advice: Take guidance from senior managers or leaders before picking a suitable training solution for the team.

    Senior managers and leaders can help identify the most important training needs because they have a better understanding of specific challenges the team may face.

    For example, in the finance sector, the finance team always deals with risk management so it is a great idea to seek advice from more experienced leaders to get better at managing the risk. As senior leader advises on the most relevant and up-to-date training modules that will solve present challenges and prepare the team for future developments.

    However, they will assist you in identifying the areas where the team requires the most training and development.

  • Check Training/Learning Styles: Knowing appropriate learning styles for your learners is very important to make the training engaging and effective.

    Conduct polls or hold group discussions to understand how team members prefer to learn.

    Eventually, check past experiences and evaluate which training method worked well. An appropriate learning method helps learners remember what they have learned. It also benefits in bettering the overall team performance.

    If possible, you can offer a mix of training formats, such as workshops, online courses, mentoring, and on-the-job training.

  • Prioritize Critical Skills: Teams experience an immediate improvement in their performance when they acquire essential skills. Figure out which skills are most important for the team’s progress and success.

    Critical skills often help businesses reach their goals, so it is better to prioritize the most relevant and impactful skills that will provide value to training and improve the performance of team members.

    Here is an example of some companies that prioritized critical skills:

    • Google: Google is making a lot of efforts to make their employees creative, innovative, and good at solving issues. The company thinks that critical thinking is important in this fast-changing technology world.
    • Amazon: Amazon is focusing on specific abilities like understanding customer needs, data analysis, and more. The company is hiring employees who can think strategically to expand its business.
    • IBM: IBM prioritizes skills related to artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. These skills provide advance solution to tackle tricky challenges in this digital era.
  • Think Long-Term: It becomes essential to develop a long-term plan when educating a team.

    A long-term strategy helps develop a training program that will provide the necessary knowledge and skills to teams.

    It makes team members prepared to handle challenges over time. Also, long-term training planning increases employee engagement, job satisfaction, and retention.

    Here is an example of long-term thinking

    If the marketing department wants to increase its sales, they have to focus on building a long-term strategy instead of trying to make quick sales. They need to invest time and money in building their company’s brand in the market.

    It could involve content marketing, connecting with the community, and building good relationships with customers. This long-term approach will increase their sales for a long time. 

Most Important Types of Learning/Training For a Team

Sales Marketing Product Analytics Tech
Communication Creativity Product Management Data Analysis Coding/Programming Skills
Negotiation Networking User-Centric Design Statistical Knowledge Problem-Solving Skills
Product knowledge Digital marketing Market Research Programming Skills Collaboration
Time management Content creation Problem-Solving Skills Critical Thinking
CRM Usage Critical thinking

Teams need several types of learning/training to grow and succeed in their field. The significance of each learning/training depends on the team’s needs, goals, and industry. Following are some key types of learning/training that are generally important for teams:

  • Technical Skills: Team members must have technical knowledge to perform their roles effectively. Technical training improves proficiency in software development, coding, and data analysis.

    These skills are crucial for teams as they ensure they have a good knowledge of the latest software tools and techniques. Ultimately. investing in technical skills will allow team members to remain competitive and deliver high-quality work.

    If technical training is not prioritized, team members may fail to perform their technical tasks effectively. It will become difficult for employees to deal with the latest technologies without technical training.

    Unfortunately, Team members will struggle with the latest technologies if they do not have enough understanding of technology. 

  • Customer Service and Communication Skills: Customer service and communication skills are crucial as they directly impact how well a team interacts with clients and one another.

    Teams should have great customer service and Communication skills to address client needs promptly and professionally.

    However, effective communication helps build a strong relationship with clients and teammates.

    If you don’t prioritize this learning then the employees will struggle to address customers’ needs effectively. Over time, it will show poor customer service and damage the company’s reputation.  

  • Project Management Training: Provide team members with project management training. This skill involves planning, organizing, and executing things efficiently within a timeframe and available resources.

    Project management training enables the team to handle and resolve project-related issues.

    It also improves the coordination among team members which helps achieve the specific goal of the project.

    If team members are not aware of handling the project properly then they may delay the project and fail to meet the deadlines. 

  • Problem-Solving & Creative Thinking: Teams need to be able to analyze problems, find solutions, and make informed decisions.

    Problem-solving and creative thinking skills help teams handle challenges, identify issues, and discover practical solutions. By learning these skills teams can get fresh ideas and tackle problems with innovative approaches.

    If you don’t prioritize this skill then team members won’t be able to solve complex problems understand underlying causes and come up with creative solutions.

  • Continuous Learning Development: Continuous learning keeps team members updated with new knowledge and skills, It also helps in developing a growth mindset.

    Host weekly knowledge-sharing sessions and mentoring programs to create a supportive and continuous learning environment within the workplace.

    Encourage team members to attend workshops and webinars to improve their expertise.

    If you neglect to create a culture of continual learning, the team might find it difficult to adapt to new situations and market developments. 

  • Onboarding & Orientation Training: Onboarding and Orientation are vital for welcoming new team members to the company.

    Onboarding lets individuals become familiar with the company’s rules, policies, and culture, While orientation explains their unique responsibilities.

    When onboarding and orientation are done well, new members can join the team quickly, understand their roles, and align with the team’s goals.

    Keep in mind that without providing onboarding and orientation training, team members can face challenges in understanding company processes, culture, and obligations.


As of now, you have come to know the most important kind of learning/training for a team and how to make an educated decision about it. The right learning solution is crucial for the progress and development of the team. 

A leader always has to carefully examine the team’s needs and requirements to deliver an effective training solution to their team. Therefore, spending some time on deciding the perfect training option will help build a skilled and talented team.

Here's how Airmeet Facilitates Learning and Development

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Conduct a survey, take one-on-one conversations, and collect feedback to identify the team’s current knowledge and skills gaps. Also, encourage team members to talk openly about the challenges they are facing.

Consider several factors such as the team’s learning styles, target audience, available resources, budget, and company goals.

A long-term training and development strategy must include continuous assessments of team needs and a variety of training techniques that will match organizational goals.  

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