Decoding Employer Branding

Decoding Employer Branding: Companies in Focus

Anshika Pattnaik
• February 27, 2024

(10 min read)

The process of developing a compelling employer brand may be difficult, regardless of whether you are starting from scratch or attempting to revitalize an established brand.

Comparable to all of the numerous ways in which you could paint your company’s value proposition while staring at a blank canvas, this is a significant challenge. When it comes to moving in the right direction, sometimes all you need is a little bit of incentive.

Be it the creation of an  employment page, discovering the truth about culture blogs, or navigating the ever-changing world of social media; each scenario illustrates how different companies convey their employer brand in their own distinctive manner. 

Come with us as we investigate the ways in which leaders in the technology sector use employer branding to attract and retain, engage, and retain the best talent in their organizations. 

This collection of real-world examples provides inspiration and practical guidance to anyone getting ready to initiate or advance their efforts to brand their workplace.

Employer Brand vs. Employer Branding

The terms “employer brand” and “employer branding” are frequently used in discussions regarding the process of hiring new personnel; yet, these concepts serve completely different functions.

Employer Brand:

Imagine that your organization is a significant figure in the epic story that will be told about your sector. It is the culmination of your dedication to your workforce as well as the opinions of others that constitutes your employer brand. It demonstrates the dedication of your employees to the success of the company and embodies the culture of  your organization. Take into consideration the impression that you leave on potential employers through the use of pages such as your website’s careers page.

Employer Branding:

Personalize your experience with the impact that employer branding can have. In order to cultivate and improve their employer brand, businesses engage in activities such as the creation of candidate profiles, the writing of compelling employee value propositions, and the launch of specific talent acquisition campaigns. To create a meaningful first impression on prospective employees, you will need to do a careful balancing act and select the materials with great care.

Employer Branding

Putting it into Airmeet Terms:

If you are keen on upgrading your employer branding efforts with the right virtual events platform, Airmeet is an online meeting tool that you should consider. It is a dynamic tool that has supported thousands of enterprises in transforming their employer brand. Employer Branding is closely tied to successful employee onboarding, a delightful employee experience and ultimately, to employee loyalty. For the success of each of these aspects, organizations indulge in a variety of offline, online and hybrid events. Airmeet empowers you to deliver world-class online and hybrid events, with features and functionalities to suit your every requirement. 

Ultimately, for employer branding activities to be effective, several activities and events need to be carefully designed and delivered. Airmeet’s virtual events platform can be your trusted partner to achieve this. 

Let us now take a look at ten outstanding employer branding examples and discuss the attributes that set them apart from other similar initiatives. The idea is to inspire you to create an employer branding strategy that is compelling and effective in your own unique way. 

1. Google


Google, a leading global technology corporation, is well-known for being an innovative institution that is also an excellent place to work. Despite the fact that the company receives an amazing three million resumes each year, they are only able to recruit seven thousand of them annually. Google’s work culture is aspirational in so many ways, including a campus-style office, a generous benefits package, and a proven track record of recruiting top talent.

Use Case and Employer Branding Impact:

Here’s a simple yet fun way to show you just how strong Google’s Employer Branding game is. In 2013, the Hollywood movie “The Internship” made its debut, starring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn. It provides a daring insight into the ideology and culture of Google. Regardless of whether you like the movie or not, it does an excellent job of showcasing the culture of the company. When it comes to promoting your company and attracting a wide range of potential candidates, creating trailers for events in the form of a film is an innovative strategy, which will increase the candidates that will apply for a job at your company. 

A unique aspect of Google culture is the open houses that they hold, where prospective employees and students can get a glimpse into what it’s like to work there. Through the use of this immersive technique, a chosen set of employees are given the opportunity to freely discuss their experiences at Google. 

Google’s rise to prominence as a desirable place to work can be largely attributed  to the company’s great employer brand. The fact that the events emphasize transparency and honesty makes it more likely that attendees will be able to relate to the distinctive work culture that Google offers, which in turn improves the experience of the applicant.

2. Electronic Arts (EA)

The  U.S.-based video game developer Electronic Arts (EA) is well-known for producing the popular titles such as Battlefield, The Sims, and FIFA. One of the primary objectives of the organization is to encourage people to take part in its activities, and at the heart of this mission is a worldwide group of innovators, makers, and storytellers.

Use Case and Employer Branding Impact:

Electronic Arts

The company’s virtual hiring process and its efforts to combat racial injustice speak for how EA promotes itself as an inclusive and varied workplace. Other examples include the company’s initiatives to support diversity in the workplace. Take a look at the careers page on EA’s website to get a feel for the culture of the organization. 

They give the same amount of importance to the various teams that they cheer for as they do to the athletes that they support. The celebrations that EA holds for International Women’s Day and Juneteenth are real examples of this commitment, demonstrating that the company does indeed walk the walk when it comes to its commitments.

They achieve a higher level of transparency by providing candidates with knowledge of what to anticipate and by explicitly explaining the process of virtual recruiting on their employment page. Prospective employees have the impression that EA is a more approachable employer as a result of the employee stories that have been featured on LinkedIn and the InsideEA YouTube channel.

Employer branding efforts at Electronic Arts (EA) help to reinforce the company’s identity while also sticking to the company’s fundamental principle of encouraging people to participate. Because of this, the company is able to attract individuals that share its commitment to diversity and to the production of incredibly enjoyable gaming experiences.

3. G.E.

The industrial and digital behemoth General Electric (GE) has a long and illustrious history, from the time it was listed on the Dow Jones in 1896 until the present day. 


As it entered the digital era, General Electric (GE) was confronted with new obstacles head-on, yet it tackled these challenges with a unique brand of comedy. “What’s the Matter with Owen?” is a series produced by the corporation that recounts the humorous exploits of a young engineer and serves as a symbol of the transition to the digital era.

Use Case and Employer Branding Impact:

GE’s corporate branding strategy includes the use of comedy as a means of humanizing issues that would otherwise be difficult to understand. In an effort to appeal to a younger audience, the series provides a humorous perspective on the difficulties that engineers must overcome.

GE has the ability to take a similar approach in light of recent events by providing prospective workers with a clearer understanding of the nature of the work that the company does. If you want to be relatable to your audience, you need to conduct research on the demographics of your audience and adjust your communication technique accordingly. Through the use of this method, General Electric is able to attract talented individuals by effectively communicating its core principles and the culture of the workplace.

GE is also one of the many companies that has flourished in the digital age as a result of its innovative use of employer branding.. Engineering professionals have a favorable impression of the brand as a result of the humorous elements that are put into the narrative.

4. Oatly

By naming its dairy replacement products in a manner that is unique, the Swedish food firm Oatly has garnered a lot of attention.

Use Case and Employer Branding Impact:

Oatly’s employer branding differentiates itself from its competitors by utilizing a brilliant narrative that works in conjunction with its brand. On the career sites, a humorous warning about working at Oatly is provided in the form of an explanation of the company’s core beliefs and culture. Utilizing TikTok in addition to other social media channels displays the brand’s commitment to maintaining a consistent and relatable presence.


Through its employer branding, Oatly advertises itself to potential employees as an innovative and eccentric place of employment. The compelling story that Oatly presents about its culture and ideals is told across a variety of social media platforms, which attracts individuals who are looking for a work environment that is both interesting and unusual. The employer branding activities that Oatly undertakes inspires its employees to not relate with their brand identity but also to produce creative and original work.

As a result of the internal and external alignment of employer branding with business objectives, Oatly is positioned as an employer of choice for those who take pleasure in working in an environment that encourages creativity and playfulness.

5. Marriott International

Marriott International is a global leader in the hospitality industry, with 131 countries and 30 well-known hotel brands under its umbrella. It is the motto of the organization to “People First,” and the culture of the company revolves around prioritizing people, striving for greatness, accepting change, acting honorably, and giving back to the community.

Use Case and Employer Branding Impact:

Marriott International

Marriott’s employer brand is built on three pillars: begin, belong, and become for prospective employees. The organization is able to demonstrate efforts that encourage inclusivity and diversity while also enhancing the well-being of its workers by utilizing social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, amongst others.

The “Be you” phrase is heavily integrated throughout Marriott’s employment branding, highlighting the company’s culture as one that values and encourages individuals to be themselves. Through the utilization of a variety of narrative methods, the company is able to project an image of being an employer that places a high value on the well-being of its employees, thanks to its robust presence on social media.

By adhering to its pledges and publicizing genuine reports of employee experiences, Marriott indicates that it is an employer that places a high priority on the well-being of its employees. Employer branding helps to contribute to the positive image of the firm, which in turn attracts individuals who are aligned with the values of the brand, which include a commitment to diversity, wellness, and personal development.

6. SmartRecuriters

What distinguishes U.S.-based SmartRecruiters from other businesses is its comprehensive careers website, which combines the applicant tracking system, mission, and values in a fluid manner. To demonstrate how branding and employee value proposition (EVP) work together, the organization employs visuals such as images and staff anecdotes.


Use Case and Employer Branding Impact:

Having a message that is both clear and consistent is one of the keys to the success of SmartRecruiters’ employer branding efforts. When a company’s branding is aligned with its corporate value proposition, prospective workers perceive the hiring process as being more transparent and engaging. Videos and employee anecdotes, which also give insight into the culture of the organization in question, help humanize the brand.

The #SmartianShutdown event and additional stories posted on LinkedIn serve as examples of how employer branding can extend beyond conventional channels. The content that employees create serves as a significant endorsement of the company’s values, which in turn enhances the company’s bad reputation as well among potential employees and the larger professional community.

One of the most important contributors to SmartRecruiters’ success in attracting top personnel is the company’s powerful employer brand. This narrative is developed by incorporating a range of media platforms and putting an emphasis on the actions taken by the company. This narrative is designed to appeal to candidates who want to associate themselves with the ideas of the corporation. Taking into consideration the various technologies that are used for recruiting, this example highlights the significance of having a thorough employer branding plan.

7. Salesforce

Salesforce, one of the most prominent CRM  software providers in the world, employs the Hawaiian word “Ohana,” which may be translated as “family,” to describe both its customers and its employees. For several years in a row, the company has been recognized as the best place to work around the globe, and this recognition is a direct result of the company’s employer branding efforts.


Use Case and Employer Branding Impact:

Salesforce goes above and beyond in terms of workplace branding by holding “Ohana family reunions,” which are gatherings that are held internally. The employees are able to relax and build ties with one another in a setting that is semi-formal, which contributes to the strengthening of the culture.

For employers interested in a healthy corporate culture, it might pay off to take a cue from Salesforce and host frequent employee get togethers.  

The biggest indication of Salesforce’s employer branding strategy having the desired impact is the fact that the company has consistently maintained the distinction of being one of the world’s greatest workplaces. Employee satisfaction and retention are both improved as a result of the company’s efforts to foster a sense of community through the use of events, which in turn helps to promote the company’s employer brand.

8. Mollie

Mollie, a netherlands-based payment processor that is expanding rapidly across Europe, has established itself as a frontrunner in the industry by working to simplify the process of providing financial services to businesses.


Use Case and Employer Branding Impact:

One of the distinguishing characteristics of Mollie’s workplace branding is its unambiguous purpose statement. Prospective candidates often find their ‘About’ page intriguing since it describes the organization’s dedication to growth, innovation, and the success of its customers.

Because of the ‘Mollie look,’ a one-of-a-kind filter that gives headshots of employees a distinctive appearance, the brand appeal is improved.

Mollie publishes articles on LinkedIn and Instagram on a regular basis, discussing topics like hiring procedures, corporate culture, and employee-related tales. This relentless and fascinating recruitment marketing helps to establish the employer brand by attracting best-in-class applicants.

Employees have a better connection to the company and its mission as a result of the incorporation of artistic and creative components into Mollie’s employer branding.

9. Zappos 

Zappos dominates the social media world with its @ZapposCulture Instagram account ,where followers are shown glimpses of their company culture through behind-the-scenes photographs and videos. Zappos is well-known for its dedication to open and honest communication as well as employee engagement.

Use Case and Employer Branding Impact:


Zappos makes strategic use of social media in order to humanize its business and foster ties between its current and prospective employees. On the Instagram account @ZapposCulture, users submit candid photographs, stories, and glimpses from events that are relevant to their employers. This straightforward depiction of the company’s operations contributes to the enhancement of the employer brand.

One way for businesses to strengthen the connection between their present diverse workforce and potential new workers is by providing them with an authentic work environment.  Zappos’s overall success can be partially credited to  the employer brand that the company has established through the utilization of social media as a narrative tool. 

10. Brother International

When it comes to business and home office solutions, goods, and services, Brother International Corporation is unparalleled. Brother International saw a number of remarkable benefits following the launch of their website and strategic rebranding effort. These benefits included an increase in the number of job applications for a job seeker, additional page views, and a simplified application process.

Use Case and Employer Branding Impact:

The recruitment website of the company conveys the brand’s powerful commitment to its employees through the use of text, videos, and interviews with actual employees. With the help of a chatbot, the process of interacting with applicants became even more simplified.

Brother International

The benefits that came with their rebranding efforts also reflect a strong employer branding strategy. 

The cohesive website and their sincere employer branding efforts resulted in an increase in the number of applications and an overall improvement in the reputation of the brand. Brother International proves that a rigorous focus on employer branding can result in significant gains in recruiting metrics as well as overall brand image.

Key Takeaways

These examples of workplace branding can serve as an inspiration for you to design and implement a unique employer branding program in your organization. While most, if not all, of these examples are of companies that have been around for a while and are hugely successful, we can start small and scale accordingly in our employer branding efforts, regardless of our resources. 

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