Design and host the perfect event with absolute ease

Powerful capabilities that will make planning events a hassle-free experience.

Create events in a matter of minutes

Get the landing page up

Design landing pages with a complete set of details about your event.

Design seamless event entry

To suit your event requirements and provide your participants with a frictionless experience.

Gather relevant information

Customize the registration form to collect attendee details relevant to your event.

Customize the look and feel
for a branded experience

Improve brand recall

Brand the event space with your own themes, logos and branded layouts.

Curate the live experience

Selectively enable interactive elements to keep the focus on your key tracks.

Personalize the reception

Give your attendees an experience similar to attending a physical event.

Launch it to your audience

Generate ROI with ticketing

Out of your events by setting up ticketing tiers to provide selective access to various ticket holders.

Stream everywhere

Use custom RTMP features to stream in and stream out the video to accommodate multiple use cases.

Widen your reach

Stream your events on popular social media platforms to get the event in front of a larger audience.

Create an unforgettable event
experience with our easy-to-use platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform