Provide an unparalleled
live stage experience for
your audience

Everything you need to prepare and set the
stage for your events in a hassle-free manner.

Prepare for everything before
you go live

Plan ahead for the session

Coordinate with speakers and other stakeholders
pre-event at the backstage to ensure everything
is on track.

Present with ease

Allow speakers to showcase presentations or pre-
recorded videos without navigating off the live stage.

Collaborate like a pro

Assign roles to your team and swap host controls
whenever required.

Boost session engagement
with interactive stage

Empower your attendees

Get attendees to express their opinions through chat,
Q&A, polls, raise hands and emojis during the session.

Spotlight opinions on stage

Improve session participation by highlighting and
bringing onto stage important chat messages, Q&A and

Invite attendees to stage

Keep the sessions interactive by inviting attendees on
stage to share their views with everyone.

Design the live stage experience
for maximum engagement

Add branded backdrops

Highlight sponsors or set the theme for the live session by
adding themed stage backdrops.

Customize attendee experience

Use advanced controls to showcase or hide various elements
such as chat, Q&A, attendee count etc.

Reach global audience

Enable a real time multilingual audio experience for your
audience through integration with Interprefy.

Get started today to enjoy an interactive and social event experience

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