Interactive booths that deliver ROI

Break out from template prison and design your exhibition real-estate your way

Add More Personality
To Your Booths

Brand Your Space

Add themes, logos, and images that reflect your brand.

Design Every Booth Interaction

Place custom links, lead magnet offers, and more to plan every step of your visitors’ experience. 

Engage Attendees
Without Stepping out

Booth Lounge

Mobilize your team to strike conversations with multiple visitors inside your booth. 

Booth Cast

Host workshops and public demos to grab attention and drive more footfall to your booth.

Create a Buzz
Around Your Stall

Event Shoutouts

Send notifications and reminders to event participants to bring them to your booths.

Offer Virtual Goodies

Attract visitors to the booths by offering discount coupons or gift vouchers in exchange for sharing their contact details.

Track Every
Booth Interaction

Booth Analytics

Measure your booth ROI by analyzing everything that goes inside your exhibition.

Live Visitor Panel

Enable your exhibitors to view booth visitors and leads in real-time.

Build an interaction led booth
experience that delivers ROI

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Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

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