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Alternative to Hubilo?

Host events designed to maximize attendee engagement with Airmeet

Why should you pick Airmeet for your events?

Deliver memorable interactions

Facilitate meaningful conversations via social lounge tables and speed networking. Replicate real-life interactions for your audience.

Host highly-engaging sessions

Keep your live sessions interactive by using multiple live stage elements such as chats, emojis, polls and Q&A. Host can also highlight the interactions on stage.

Craft friction-less event entry

Customize the event entry rules to make it seamless for you participants to attend your event. Set up ticketing tiers and manage payment in one place.

Offer an immersive booth experience

Create an exciting space for your sponsors to engage with the audience. Our booths have multiple interactive elements such as chat, live broadcasts, tables, lead magnets, and resource center.

Design events your way

Completely control how and where you want the events to be streamed. We offer custom RTMP support to stream in and out to multiple platforms including social channels.

Best-in-class Experience

Customers love Airmeet

I loved Airmeet’s 24/7 support lounge. It was so great to be able to just hop into the lounge and get help. It was so quick, easy and efficient.

Chloe Lewis
Community Team
NEAR foundation

Invite to the stage feature is such a game changer. If it really implemented well, it makes the event so dynamic

Pablo Sulzer
Communications Lead
Impact Hub Bern

Most of the other tools were uni-dimensional. Airmeet’s social lounge caught my attention because it had the same table-chair kind of format as our round table conferences in ground events.

Kasturi Guha
Product Mkt. Manager

A platform built to deliver impactful interactions





(starts at 4%)

(starts at 7%)

Streaming to social platforms

Invite attendee on stage via Raised hands

Virtual booths

(Includes booth level chat and virtual tables)

(Doesn’t include booth level chat and virtual tables)

Lounge tables

upto 50 people per table

up to 16 people per table

Speed networking

Customization of event entry rules


Mobile App Support

Multilingual support

Customizable reception


Showcase Polls, Questions and chat on stage

Live session level analytics


Hubilo’s Basic plan is for 50 registrants available across three live event days. For 100 registrants, the cost is $799 per month. Airmeet offers a freemium plan for the first 100 registrants and one organizer. The Business plan is $99 for 100 registrants and ten organizers. Hubilo’s Basic plan does not include Breakout Rooms. Airmeet gives access to  Social Lounges (similar to breakout rooms) for up to 50 people.

When it comes to branding, Hubilo offers maximum branding opportunities in their Enterprise plan. In Airmeet, you start getting branding opportunities from the Business plan, which is $99/per month/per 100 registrations. You can also customize event entry rules, reception area, sponsor booths, social lounge tables, and more.

Airmeet comes with a freemium plan for 100 registrations and one organizer. Post that, we have a Business Plan that is priced at $99 per month for ten organizers and a customizable Enterprise plan for all kinds of virtual and hybrid events.

Airmeet is easy to use across devices. It is also safe and comes with SOC2 and GDPR compliance. Airmeet also provides end-to-end data encryption, and we also have a 24/7 security team to monitor all security threats or breaches. 

To start Airmeet, all you have to do is log in, create an organization and select what kind of event you want to host. You can choose a multi-day event or a single session, depending on your event requirements. From the dashboard, you can access recordings, real-time analytics, integrations, and more. 

In Airmeet, you can network in the social lounge. The social lounge is similar to a breakout room with its screen share and chat option. Each social lounge can host up to 50 people. You can also use speed networking to network with multiple attendees based on their background and their overall engagement in the virtual event. Lastly, in Airmeet, you can also network with other speakers and co-hosts in the Backstage. 

Airmeet has Mailchimp, Eventbrite, Salesforce, Zapier, Hubspot, Marketo integrations. Along with these, it also has Interprefy integration that provides the real-time translation in multiple languages.

Airmeet provides 24/7 customer support and a 24/7 customer support lounge where users can log in and ask their queries. 

Airmeet is a virtual and hybrid event management platform. It is equipped to take care of your ticketing, marketing, planning, hosting, and post-event needs. It can support 100 to 100k participants and comes with interactive chat and polls that you can show on the screen, schedule speed networking, social lounges, customizable reception area, and real-time analytics.

A virtual event helps to connect and network with your community. It also provides opportunities to generate and nurture business leads. Moreover, virtual events are cost-effective, sustainable, and faster to plan and execute than traditional ones. 

All data is updated as of June 2021, and the above content is based on the data collected from review sites. Further, prices, features and product specifications of the various service providers may be varied at any time without notice. Therefore, Airmeet does not guarantee that the information provided is complete and up-to-date. Further, the data shown here is for guidance only, and does not constitute any contractual representation or warranty. All copyrights and trademarks of the named service providers are duly acknowledged. Any liability for errors or omissions is expressly disclaimed.

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