Looking for a
Brella alternative?

Host events of your choice with effectiveness and ease on Airmeet

Why should you pick Airmeet for your events?

Design events your way

Pick a hosting method that will suit your event. You can go live from Airmeet, stream in a live session or upload pre-recorded videos.

Craft friction-less event entry

Customize the event entry to make it seamless for you participants to attend your event. Send magic links to enable attendees to enter the event with a single click.

Go global with multilingual support

Communicate value in the language your audience understands. We support a wide range of languages

Drive sponsorships & ROI

Increase your event ROI by creating attractive branding options for sponsors within the event. Empower sponsors with booths and branded lounge tables.

Deliver memorable interactions

Facilitate meaningful conversations via Social lounge tables and speed networking. Replicate real-life interactions for your audience.

Best-in-class Experience

Words from our Customers

It was easy to onboard. I did not encounter any issues at all. I felt we could do almost everything that we did at our real events, virtually on Airmeet.

Glenn Vandamme

We got a very positive feedback from all the departments about how wonderful the Social Lounge experience was. It blew everyone’s mind away.

Hazel Hooker
Program Director

Our attendees and speakers made most of the Social Lounge. Speakers were jumping from one table to another. It was quite fun. The experience was close to a physical event.

Shahbaz Khan
Noveracion Globa

Scalable platform to host events with absolute ease




Host live session

(Live session and streaming in options)

(Only streaming in options)



(Live broadcast, chat stream, tables, resource center and lead magnets)

(Chat stream, Q&A and resource center)

Virtual Lounge

Landing Page


( in-built )

Eventbrite Integration

Custom event entry rules

Backstage and preview mode

SSO for event entry

Multilingual support

(9 languages)

Live stage backdrops


Airmeet offers live streaming facilities on YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. This means that with live streaming, you can reach a larger audience instantly.

You can directly create a registration page in Airmeet with relevant information such as the event info, agenda, speaker, session details for your attendees. You can also use Eventbrite to take care of your registration process. You can synch the event and enable Eventbrite to set up the workflow within Airmeet itself.

Airmeet can take care of all kinds of events, conferences, job fairs and trade fairs, hybrid events, etc. We help you amplify your story by providing 24/7 support, live chat, analytics that measures engagement, custom branding, and more.

Airmeet takes just a few minutes to set up. We also have dedicated customer support and support lounges to empower you in anything that you would need to deliver a successful event.

Host hybrid events at Airmeet and scale organically with live streaming, pre-recorded sessions, custom branding, etc. to give your community the immersive experience that they want.

Airmeet comes with a freemium plan for the first 100 registrations and 1 organizer. If you wish to scale up your events, you can opt for the Business plan for $99 per month or the Enterprise plan that comes with custom pricing for your event(s). 

All data is updated as of June 2021, and the above content is based on the data collected from review sites. Further, prices, features and product specifications of the various service providers may be varied at any time without notice. Therefore, Airmeet does not guarantee that the information provided is complete and up-to-date. Further, the data shown here is for guidance only, and does not constitute any contractual representation or warranty. All copyrights and trademarks of the named service providers are duly acknowledged. Any liability for errors or omissions is expressly disclaimed.

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Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

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Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform

Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

Most loved Virtual Events Platform