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Alternative to Socio?

Host events customized to suit your business needs with Airmeet

Why should you pick Airmeet for your events?

Increase event ROI with booths

Create exciting opportunities for your sponsors to engage with the audience. Booths include chat, live broadcasts, tables, lead magnets, and resource center.

Powerful Interactions

Engage effectively using social lounge, speed networking, chat rooms and more.

Scalable platform

Airmeet platform is secure, robust and scalable upto 100K attendees.

Extensible Integrations

Connect Airmeet with your everyday business apps to improve efficiency and productivity

Collaborate like a pro

Prepare for events in advance by adding your team members and speakers. Assign roles based on the level of control required.

Best-in-class Experience

Customers love Airmeet

I loved Airmeet’s 24/7 support lounge. It was so great to be able to just hop into the lounge and get help. It was so quick, easy and efficient.

Chloe Lewis
Community Team
NEAR foundation

We love the sponsor booths and mini-lounges that you have at every booth. I am looking forward to using it extensively.

Ernst Baart
The Hockey Site

We got a very positive feedback from all the departments about how wonderful the Social Lounge experience was. It blew everyone’s mind away.

Hazel Hooker
Program Director

A platform built for scale and engagement




Customer support

Yes, 24/7

Yes, 24/5 in free plan

Free plan

Networking lounge

Limited to videorooms

Speed networking

Event registration

Q&A upvote

Session backstage

Exhibitor booths

Show Questions on stage


Socio is a virtual, hybrid, and in-person event management platform for enterprises, universities (or educational institutions), and associations for over 70+ countries. It includes registration, ticketing, streaming, video rooms, games, chat, polls, live display, and emails. 

Unlike Airmeet, Socio.Event also focuses on in person events. Socio is a ticketing and event management solution platform that does not have a freemium plan or some engagement features like the upvote of q&a (which is present in Airmeet). The platform focuses mostly on event floor plans, social media integrations, and send meeting invitations via email.

You can build your personalized event app on Socio with the drag and drop features, upload your content and personalize it according to your brand requirements. 

To know Socio’s pricing, you will have to request a demo on their website. Airmeet, on the other hand, includes a freemium plan for up to 100 registrations which provides for speed networking, chat, polls, raise hand and invite to the stage, host single track events, Zapier integrations that require no credit card details. 

Airmeet has a free plan for 100 registrations per organizer. The free plan includes email support, access to the 24/7 support lounge, Zapier integrations, speed networking, social lounge, ticketing, poll, and q&a. Post 100 registrations, Airmeet also has a Basic plan for $99/month and a Custom plan for 100k registrations. 

Airmeet takes privacy and security compliance very seriously. We are GDPR and  ISO 27001:2013 compliant. We also have a 24/7 security team that monitors threats continuously. Lastly, we also conduct VAPT on our infrastructure network and applications through a third party. 

All data is updated as of June 2021, and the above content is based on the data collected from review sites. Further, prices, features and product specifications of the various service providers may be varied at any time without notice. Therefore, Airmeet does not guarantee that the information provided is complete and up-to-date. Further, the data shown here is for guidance only, and does not constitute any contractual representation or warranty. All copyrights and trademarks of the named service providers are duly acknowledged. Any liability for errors or omissions is expressly disclaimed.

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Incredible Companies Use Airmeet

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