By Sumyukthaa Sankar

A fortnightly almanac of the best stories,
inspiration, BTS from marketers who know
how to put on a great show! Time for you to
run B2B events that don’t feel like B2B events.

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Edition 11 | March 23rd 2023

On being better B2B content creators educators

Past editions

Attendee footprint, event intent and making a campaign land
Designing event pathways that drive revenue faster, immediately, and eventually
The art of continuous debriefing and fine-tuning
Dogfooding Event-led Growth and how that’s been going

Realigning the field events thread in your GTM machine

The registrant-to-attendee turnout conundrum

Defining your Ideal Attendee Profile

There’s something interesting happening to Event Marketer roles

Events that end and ripples that don’t

Overcoming funnel vision and seeing Events through a broader lens

Upcoming editions

Edition 6

Event attendee archetypes

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